
zhāng hé
  • the Zhanghe River
漳河[zhāng hé]
  1. 一九六零年,林州人徒步跋涉几十公里来到漳河上游修渠引水。

    In1960 , people of Linzhou walked scores of kilometers to the upper reaches of the Zhanghe River to start digging the canal .

  2. 结果,我们在南面,在漳河北岸,把敌人截住了,又打了一个胜仗。

    Consequently , we were able to intercept them in the South , on the north bank of the Zhanghe River , winning another battle .

  3. 研究了基于MaPobjects的地理信息系统二次开发及其与灌区管理模型的集成,并在漳河灌区进行了初步应用。

    Integrated with GIS Active X Controls Map Objects , An irrigation water management model was developed for Zhanghe irrigation district .

  4. 以漳河流域岳城水库为例,采用PPCC检验法对坝前年最高水位常用的几种分布线型进行对比分析。

    In this paper , taking Yuecheng reservoir of Zhanghe basin as an example , PPCC test is applied to compare several common distributions of the maximum annual water level of reservoir .

  5. 漳河灌区塘堰灌溉作用研究

    Research of Pond 's Effect in Irrigation in Zhanghe Irrigation Area

  6. 漳河水库分期设计洪水研究

    Research of Designing the Flood of Zhanghe Reservoir by Stages

  7. 漳河水库下煤炭资源开采可行性研究

    A study of coal resources mining under the Zhanghe Reservoir

  8. 漳河灌区水资源合理利用研究

    Study on the Reasonable Use of Water Resources in Zhanghe Irrigation District

  9. 漳河灌区节水灌溉影响分析

    Analysis of Impacts of Water-Saving Irrigation in Zhanghe Irrigation District

  10. 漳河水库实时防洪调度研究

    Research on Real time Flood Dispatching for Zhanghe Reservoir

  11. 漳河灌区农田排水氮素流失规律研究

    Study of laws of nitrogen losses from farmland drainage in Zhanghe Irrigation District

  12. 冲切成槽薄壁混凝土防渗墙施工技术&以湖北省漳河水库副坝防渗治理为例

    Construction technique of thin concrete cutoff wall s with the impact cutting method

  13. 漳河水库汛限水位浮动控制运用的探索

    Floating control of flood water level for Zhanghe Reservoir

  14. 漳河灌区农民用水者协会现状调查

    Investigation on the Actuality of the Farmers Water Use Association in Zhanghe Irrigation District

  15. 漳河水库入库洪水预报方案研究

    Research on Forecasting Scheme of Zhanghe Reservoir Flood

  16. 将模型运用于漳河灌区,运用田间观测数据率定其参数。

    The model is calibrated with field data and applied to Zhanghe Irrigation System .

  17. 漳河水库灌区农业水资源利用综合评价分析

    Comprehensive Evaluation and Analysis on Utilization of Agricultural Water Resources in Zhanghe Reservoir Irrigation District

  18. 漳河水库灌区水稻生产与水资源利用效率分析

    Analysis of Rice Production and Water Resources Use Efficiency in the Zhanghe Reservoir Irrigation District

  19. 基于主成分分析法的漳河灌区运行管理水平综合评价

    Comprehensive evaluation of management performance of Zhanghe Irrigation District based on Principal Component Analysis Method

  20. 漳河灌区节水型社会的特征及目标体系研究

    Study on the characteristics and objective system of the water-saving society in zhanghe irrigation district

  21. 漳河是游荡性河道,防洪标准较低,发生中小洪水即容易出险。

    The Zhang River is a wandering river course with a low standard of flood prevention .

  22. 漳河水库灌区水资源安全评价指标体系研究

    Study on Water Resource Safety Evaluation Factors System of the Irrigation Area in Zhanghe Water Conservation

  23. 漳河灌区水稻节水灌溉对农业投入产出的影响分析

    Analysis of Influence of Water-saving Irrigation for Rice upon Agricultural Input-output in Zhanghe River Irrigation District

  24. 大牛,你看,这就是当年林州人奔赴漳河源头修渠的情景。

    Daniel , this shows how local Linzhou people set off to the worksite of the project .

  25. 灌溉水利用率影响因素的主成分分析&以漳河灌区为例

    Impact Factors of Irrigation Water Use Efficiency Based on Principal Component Analysis , Case from Zhanghe Irrigation District

  26. 林州人是怎样把漳河的水引到红旗渠里的呀?

    How did the Linzhou people manage to divert the Zhanghe water up to the Red Flag Canal ?

  27. 对漳河灌区农民用水者协会运行现状进行了调查和初步分析。

    The operation actuality of the farmers water use association in Zhanghe Irrigation District is investigated and analyzed preliminarily .

  28. 如果南亳确实存在,其文化应是漳河型一类先商文化。

    If South Bo indeed existed , its culture should be Zhanghe type culture of the pre Shang culture .

  29. 结合漳河特大桥的施工监理,从钻孔、钢筋笼制作、桩基砼浇注等施工过程,介绍了大桥桩基的质量监控情况。

    Combined with the construction supervision of Zhanghe Bridge , the paper introduced the quality monitoring of bridge pile foundation .

  30. 豫北地区漳河型先商文化的特征、来源及相关问题

    The Feature , Source and the Concerned Questions of the Zhanghe River Type Culture before the Period of Shang Dynasty