  • Zhang He River ;Zhang Jiang River ;Zhangzhou, city in Fujian;a surname
  • 〔~河〕水名,源出中国山西省,流至河北省入卫河。

  • 〔~江〕水名,在中国福建省。

  1. 漳山电厂300MW空冷机组热经济性状态方程

    Thermal Economic State Equation of 300 MW Air Cooling Unit

  2. 提高漳台农业合作水平的若干思路

    Several thoughts to enhance agricultural cooperation level between Zhangzhou and Taiwan

  3. 用X光透视装置观察钛漳-铁水反应过程

    X-Ray Fluoroscopy to Reaction Process of Ti-Bearing Slag with Molten Iron

  4. 关于构建厦、漳、泉组合城市初探

    The Study On The Urban Combination City Of Xiamen Zhangzhou Quanzhou

  5. 漳台农业合作的现状与经验

    The present status and experience of agricultural cooperation between Zhangzhou and Taiwan

  6. 区域管治的新探索:厦泉漳城市联盟规划战略

    Regional governance and city union : a case study of xiamen-quanzhou-zhangzhou region

  7. 漳诏高速公路软基路堤沉降观测分析

    Settlement Observation Analysis of The Soft Foundation of Zhang-Zhao Highway

  8. 福建漳诏高速公路超厚淤泥土地基处理技术

    Super Thick Muddy Ground Treatment for Zhang ~ Zhao Freeway in Fujian

  9. 本文利用拉曼光谱对河南班村遗址出土的仰韶彩陶陶彩以及河北磁县湾漳东魏北齐大型壁画墓中的壁画颜料进行了分析,成功的测定出陶彩及壁画颜料的成分。

    The ancient coating pottery and wall painting were analyzed by Raman Spectra .

  10. 广坊蹬漳读使我受益匪浅。

    I have benefited a lot from reading .

  11. 高产水稻新品种漳丰8号株型特征和光合特性研究

    Photosynthetic Traits and Plant Morphological Characteristics of a High-yield Rice Variety & Zhangfeng 8

  12. 石质边坡绿化在漳龙高速公路上的应用

    Application of Greening Rock Slope to Zhang-Long Expressway

  13. 厦泉漳城市联盟的现状和对策建议

    The present condition and the counterplan suggestion of XiaMen , QuanZhou and ZhangZhou alliance

  14. 内旁通长距离输送技术在漳山发电厂的应用

    Appliance of the Inner By-pass Long Distance Transfer Technique in Shanxi Zhangzhou Power Plant

  15. 预应力锚索在漳诏高速公路边坡防护工程的应用

    Application of Prestressed Anchor Bar in Slope Protection Work of Zhangzhou-Zhao ' an Expressway Project

  16. 漳村矿峰峰组隔水关键层孔隙性实验研究应力作用下煤层底板关键隔水层渗透性分析

    Analysis on permeability of key water isolated stratum under seam floor and under stress function

  17. 选矿厂磨矿分级自动化控制系统设计与应用漳村矿选煤厂浮游选煤加药自动化研究

    Design and Application of a Grinding and Classification Automatic Control System for Mineral Processing Plants

  18. 厦漳龙区域旅游合作研究

    Study on Xia-zhang-long Regional Tourism Cooperation

  19. 我们诚邀聋人及听漳愿影制做人提交做圃瞣我们于电影节中播放。

    We encourage Deaf and hard of hearing film makers to submit their works to us .

  20. 进一步深化漳台农业合作的发展对策研究

    Research of Strategy for Development on Further Deepening Agricultural Cooperation and Exchanges between Zhangzhou and Taiwan

  21. 谈安评工作中历史地震目录的规范化&以厦漳跨海大桥为例

    The Standardization of Historical Earthquake Catalog in Seismic Hazard Analysis ── Taking Xia-Zhang Bridge as an Example

  22. 高温贫化-浮选法从炼铜水淬渣中回收铜漳村矿选煤厂浮游选煤加药自动化研究

    Recovery of Copper from Water Quenched Slag of Copper Smelting by Impoverishment at High Temperature and Flotation

  23. 南隔漳卫新河与山东省庆云县、无棣县相邻。

    Zhangweixin across the South River and the Shandong Province Qingyun Xian , Wudi County , adjacent .

  24. 罗伦兹曲线在地区产业结构空间分析中的应用&以闽东南沿海福、厦、泉、漳、莆5市为例

    The use of Lorentz curve in the analysis on space industry structure in 5 cities southeast Fujian Province

  25. 基于博弈理论的城市联盟研究&以福建省厦泉漳地区城市联盟为例

    City Union based on game theory : a case study of Xiamen Quanzhou & Zhangzhou area in Fujian Province

  26. 本文的研究是依托漳(州)诏(安)高速公路8公里软基试验路段进行的。

    This paper is based on the research of the test section of the 8-kilometers-long soft foundation of the Zhang-Zhao highway .

  27. 清朝前期台米协济漳泉地区的特殊政策

    The Special Policy of Giving the Aid to the Zhang-Quan Areas with Taiwan Rice In the Early Days of the Qing Dynasty

  28. 第四章选取厦漳泉城市旅游联盟作为研究对象,实现理论与实例的有机结合。

    The fourth chapter selects tourism alliance of Xiamen , Zhangzhou and Quanzhou as a research case , combining theory with instance consistently .

  29. 蔡氏古民居位于南安官桥漳里村,国家级重点文物保护单位。

    The ancient house group of Cai clan , a key national safekeeping cultural relics lie at Zhangli Village , Guanqiao , Nan'an .

  30. 该项研究在漳村1310综放面回风巷的工程实践中得到了成功应用和检验。

    This technique has been used successfully in the air-return gate oJ '1310 fully mechanized roof coal caving face in Zhangcun Coal Mine .