
  • 网络solution theory
  1. 实验结果与基于正规溶液理论的PS法估算值比较符合。

    The measured values are reasonably agreed with those calculated by Prausnitz-Shair method based on the normal solution theory .

  2. 基于缔合溶液理论和正规溶液理论,作者提出了简化缔合模型(SAM)。

    Based on association solution theory and regular solution theory , simplified associ (?) tion model ( SAM ) has been developed .

  3. 应用Wilson方程和均相溶液理论计算固液吸附平衡

    Calculation of solid-liquid adsorption equilibrium with Wilson equation and homogeneous solution theory

  4. pH值和金属阳离子对水性油墨胶体稳定性的影响活度系数和渗透系数在水溶液理论中有着重要意义。

    Effect of Inorganic Electrolytes on the Colloidal Stability of Water-Based Inks Activity and osmotic coefficients have great significance in theory of aqueous solutions of inorganic electrolytes .

  5. MD模拟已经成为研究熔盐和熔盐溶液理论的一种重要工具。

    MD has become a vital implement for the research on the molten salt and its liquor theory .

  6. Flory溶液理论中待定参数的决定

    Determination of Unknown Parameters in Flory New Polymer Solution Theory

  7. 最后,还根据Arrhenius方程和高聚物溶液理论提出了中间相沥青表观粘度的四元参数模型。

    Based on Arrhenius equation and the theory of polymer solution , a four-parameter correlated formula for apparent viscosity was given .

  8. 采用统计物理学方法,在Flory-Huggins高分子溶液理论中引入Gibbs分布,从而合理描述了高分子内聚能的温度依赖性。

    Recently , our group introduced Gibbs distribution into Flory & Huggins polymer solution theory . It reasonably describes the polymer cohesion energy .

  9. 径向分布函数(RDF)是表征流体微观结构的重要函数,在流体理论研究中,径向分布函数理论是化工热力学中最活跃的研究方向之一,也是所有溶液理论中最精确的部分。

    Radial distribution functions ( RDF ), which are key functions for describing the structure of fluids , play an important role in determining equilibrium and non-equilibrium thermodynamic properties of fluids .

  10. 此外本论文还应用Pitzer电解质溶液理论对该体系相平衡数据进行了关联计算。

    Besides , relevancy and calculation are made based on the equilibrium data of the system using Pitzer theory .

  11. 运用Kirkwood-Buff溶液理论和Flory-Huggins活度系数方程,建立了溶解度关联方程。

    A correlation equation of solubility has been proposed by using Kirkwood-Buff s solution theory and the Flory-Huggins activity coefficient equations .

  12. 根据Flory溶液理论,导出计算溶质偏摩尔体积的方程。作者还提出了确定方程参数的新方法,用这种方法只需纯水的物性数据就能计算有机溶质在水中的无限稀偏摩尔体积。

    An equation for calculation of the partial molar volumes for organic solutes has been derived from the Flory theory , and a new method to determine the parameters in the equation has been developed .

  13. 本工作以溶液理论为基础,从剖析国外干洗剂样品入手,借助于电子计算机对44种溶剂进行了组合和筛选,研制出新型干洗剂XF。

    This research has been based on the solution theory . Starting with the analysis of a foreign dry-cleaning agent sample , 44 kinds of solvents have been coupled and selected by means of an electronic computer .

  14. 在海水环境下盐的存在使平衡发生移动,利用德拜&休克尔理论或Pitzer电解质溶液理论校正盐度对于海水活度的影响,求解海水环境中甲烷水合物溶解度。

    In the pore water go marine sediment , however , the equilibrium is shifted by salts , Debye-Huckel or Pitzer electrolyte solution theory is employed to correct the influence of salt on water activity and on methane hydrate solubility .

  15. 基于链端体积分数的聚合物溶液理论

    Theory of Polymer Solutions Based on Volume Fraction at Chain-end

  16. 多元系的偏简单溶液理论

    The theory of partial simple solutions for the multicomponent systems

  17. 应用正规溶液理论计算含水体系液液平衡

    Application of Regular Solution Theory to Calculate the Liquid-Liquid Equilibria for Water-containing Systems

  18. 高分子溶液理论在固体推进剂中的应用

    An application of polymer solution theory to solid propellants

  19. 分子聚集溶液理论及其应用

    Theory of solution for molecular aggregation and its application

  20. 规则溶液理论应用于bola/SDS混合体系的研究

    The Study of Bolaamphiphile / SDS Mixed Systems by Applying the Regular Solution Theory

  21. 统一性溶液理论及其应用

    The unitized theory of solution and Its Applications

  22. S-理想溶液理论及其应用

    The theory of S-IDEAL solution and its application

  23. 双流体高聚物配位溶液理论&纯物质的状态方程及其应用

    Two-Fluid Polymer Coordination Solution Theory ── Equation of State for Pure Components and Its Applications

  24. 内压与非电解质溶液理论

    Internal Pressure and Solution Theory for Nonelectrolytes

  25. 本文提出了一个具有保形溶液理论特点,且参考流体可以选择的新的形状因子对应态原理。

    A new version of shape factor corresponding states principle ( CSP ) was presented .

  26. 本文把正规溶液理论扩展用于表示含极性组份的溶液体系。

    In this paper , regular solution theory is extended to represent the polar-containing solution systems .

  27. 改进的聚合物溶液理论

    The improved theory of polymer solutions

  28. 本文通过正规溶液理论进行分析得到了运用溶解度参数初步选择溶剂的方法,并且推导出达到规定的选择性的溶剂的溶解度参数范围。

    A solubility parameter method for solvent selection was set up by Scatchard - Hildebrand theory .

  29. 基于胞腔模型和无热溶液理论推导超额热力学函数和液相活度系数方程

    Equations of excess thermodynamic function and activity coefficient based on cell model and athermal solution theory

  30. 并根据正规溶液理论推算出镨、钕、饵,铥萃合物的溶解度参数;

    The solubility parameters of the extracted complexes were calculated on the basis of regular solution theroy .