
  1. 本届湘商大会将在多项主体活动上出新招,力求经济合作实效。

    A series of activities will be staged at this fair so as to promote economic cooperation .

  2. 9月29日下午,湘商代表座谈会在共和大酒店天和厅举行。

    Hunan Entrepreneurs Representatives Symposium was held on the afternoon of Sept.29 at Cohere ( Gonghe ) Hotel , Changde City , Hunan Province .

  3. 大会将举行三大主体活动:一是开幕式暨文艺晚会。二是湘商财富论坛。三是湖南产业推介暨重大项目签约仪式。

    There are three main activities during the convention : the opening ceremony & the performance show , Hunan entrepreneurs'fortune forum , and the signing ceremony .

  4. 湖南商务总会乘机于1906年成立了商办湖南全省铁路公司,力图实现湘路商办,湘路气象为之一新。

    Hunan Commerce General Association seized the opportunity to set up business-run Hunan Whole Province Railway Company , striving to realize the ideal of running Hunan railways commercially .