
hú yáng
  • Hu sheep;a kind of sheep raised in Zhejiang Province
湖羊[hú yáng]
  1. 生长抑素DNA疫苗对湖羊羔羊生长和相关激素的作用&佐剂效应

    Effect of the somatostatin DNA vaccine on growth and relative hormones in Hu lambs : adjuvant effect

  2. 湖羊母体埋植褪黑素对其初生羔羊皮毛品质的影响F湖声场简正波建模

    The effects of maternal melatonin implant on fur quality of new-born lambs in Chinese lake sheep

  3. TGF-β受体mRNA在湖羊机体组织中的表达水平及其与排卵数的关系

    Relationship Between the mRNA Expression Level of TGF - β Receptors in Hu Sheep 's Tissues and the Number of Ovulation

  4. 湖羊GnRH受体基因的单核苷酸多态性研究

    Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of GnRH Receptor Gene in Hu Sheep

  5. 生长抑素基因免疫对湖羊羔羊生长及GH和IGF-Ⅰ的影响

    Influence of somatostatin gene immunization on growth and GH and IGF - ⅰ of Hu lamb

  6. 以7个座位微卫星等位基因频率推算群体间标准遗传距离,山羊与绵羊群体间遗传距离远大于绵羊群体之间,湖羊、同羊间亲缘距离系数R为0.1998。

    The standard genetic distances between populations were computed based on alleles frequency of 7 microsatellite loci . The genetic distances between sheep and goat were much larger than between sheep populations .

  7. 湖羊饲喂粗制乳酸铵日粮后,DM、OM、CP、ADF消化率和氮积贮均未见有明显变化。

    Feeding crude ammonium had no significant effect on digestibilities of DM , OM , CP , ADF , and nitrogen retention .

  8. 经x2检验表明,湖羊群体的基因频率和基因型频率都达到了Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态(P0.05)。

    Meanwhile , x2 fitness test showed that the gene frequency and the genotype frequency were in a state of Hardy-weinberg Equilibrium .

  9. 说明Has2基因mRNA表达水平与湖羊繁殖性能有一定的关系。

    Which proved that the expression level of Has 2 gene mRNA may have a relationship with the reproductive ability of Hu sheep . 3 .

  10. 两品种比较,0~90日龄湖羊垂体内的LH总量,血浆LH及睾酮水平均高于考力代羊。提示湖羊公羔性成熟早与其生后早期垂体合成和释放LH水平高有关。

    Until day 90 . These observations suggested that earlier sexual maturation of H. was related to its high level synthesis and secretion of pituitary LH in early postnatal period .

  11. 用放射免疫法测定了湖羊和三北羊发情周期外周血液的LH、17β-雌二醇和孕酮的含量。

    Summary The levels of LH estradiol 17 β and progesterone in the peripheral blood of Hu-yang and Chinese Karakul ewes during the estrous cycles have been measured by radioimmunoassay .

  12. 青刈期湖羊瘤胃每日灌注0.4g甲醛,能够减弱瘤胃蛋白酶和脱氢酶的活力。

    Infusing 0.4g formaldehyde into rumens of sheep on herbage diet could lower the rumen proteinase and hydrogenase activities .

  13. 湖羊MBL基因外显子与内含子多态性检测:利用PCR-SSCP方法,对湖羊MBL基因4个外显子和3个内含子进行遗传多态性分析。

    Polymorphisms in exons and introns of MBL gene in Hu sheep : PCR-SSCP method and DNA sequencing techniques were used to analyze the genetic polymorphism of MBL gene 4 exons and 3 introns in Hu sheep .

  14. 本研究主要针对湖羊规模化饲养后断奶羔羊生长发育不良状况,设计三种不同日粮配方进行60d补饲试验。

    A feeding experiment was carried out for 60 days to investigate the effect of three different diets on growth of weaned lambs in the Hu Sheep and its crossbreed in the field condition .

  15. 小尾寒羊、萨福克羊和湖羊只出现2种基因型:AB(303bp,236bp/67bp)、BB(236bp/67bp,236bp/67bp);

    There were two kinds of genotypes in Small Tail Han sheep , Suffolk sheep and Hu sheep , AB ( 303 bp , 236 bp / 67 bp ) and BB ( 236 bp / 67 bp , 236 bp / 67 bp ) .

  16. 利用3头装有永久性瘤胃瘘管和皱胃瘘管的湖羊,进行体内试验,以挥发性脂肪酸胺(AS-VFA)替代日粮总氮34%。

    In vivo , the forestomach digestion and metabolism was observed in three Hu sheep fitted with permanent rumen and abomasal cannulas . 34 % of total nitrogen in diets was substituted with AS-VFA in the experimental period .

  17. 新疆细毛羊和湖羊妊娠早期内分泌研究

    Endocrinology During Early Pregnancy of Hu-sheep and Xinjiang Fine Wool Sheep

  18. 湖羊胎儿生长发育的研究

    A study on the growth and development of the Hu-sheep fetus

  19. 湖羊、同羊12个同工酶座位的检测

    Genetic estimation of 12 isozymes in Hu sheep and Tong sheep

  20. 湖羊、同羊遗传检测的研究

    Studies on Genetic Detection of Hu Sheep and Tong Sheep

  21. 湖羊和美利奴羊多胎遗传差异的内分泌学基础

    Endocrine Basis of Genetic Difference of Prolificacy in hu Sheep and Merinos

  22. 湖羊瘤胃未培养微生物中木聚糖酶基因的克隆和表达

    Cloning and Expression of Xylanase Gene of Uncultured Microorganism from Hu Sheep

  23. 湖羊和同羊群体的血液酶和其它蛋白质结构基因座的基因平均杂合度分别为

    The average heterozygosity of blood enzyme and other protein structural loci were

  24. 湖羊结构基因座遗传共适应性分析

    Analysis of genetic co - adaptability of structural loci in Hu sheep

  25. 乏情湖羊母羊的药物治疗及其内分泌生理变化

    Drug Treatment on Anestrus Hu-sheep and Its Endocrine Physiological Features

  26. 湖羊与同羊血液蛋白多型及其系统地位

    Blood protein polymorphism and phylogeny status of Hu sheep and Tong sheep

  27. 优秀湖羊种公羊被毛特性的研究

    Study on the fleece characters of high-class breeding rams of Hu Sheep

  28. 湖羊对氨化稻草消化利用的研究

    Digestion and utilization of ammoniated rice straw in Hu Sheep

  29. 湖羊、同羊起源及系统地位的研究

    Study on Origin and Phylogenetic Status of Hu Sheep and Tong Sheep

  30. 湖羊公羔不同部位肌内脂肪的发育性变化

    Developmental changes of different part of IMF in Hu lamb