
  • 网络Haikou College of Economics
  1. 业务外包后高校图书馆采编工作的几点思考&以海口经济学院图书馆为例

    Some Considerations about the Acquisitioning and Cataloguing Work of University Library after Outsourcing & Taking the Library of Haikou College of Economics as an Example

  2. 高职院校图书馆资源与服务定位辨析以海口经济学院图书馆为例清代书院学田的经营困境与纾解努力《书院说》:一个乡绅的视角

    An analysis of the position of information services in college libraries & Talking the library of Haikou College of Economics as an example Management Predicament and Efforts of Academy 's School Farm in Qing Dynasty