
  • 网络Poisson process;MMPP
  1. 其中风险由复合泊松过程描述,相应的盈余过程(surplusprocess)是一个跳跃过程。

    The risk is supposed to satisfy compound Poisson process and the corresponding surplus process is a jump process .

  2. 提出另一类新的模型&有限区间〔a,b〕上的平稳泊松过程及N(t)的特性。

    A new model of stationary poisson process and characteristic of N ( t ) on a finite interval is provided .

  3. 机器不可靠且需求过程为k个泊松过程叠加的生产存贮系统

    Unreliable production-inventory system with superposition of K Poisson demand arrival processes

  4. ATM网络中ON-OFF源迭加的泊松过程近似

    A Poisson Process Approximation of the Superposition of ON-OFF Sources in ATM Multiplexers

  5. 与以往的工作相比,本文假设数据流量模型为Markov到达过程(而非简单的泊松过程),并从理论上对系统延时性能进行了分析。

    Differing from previous work , It is assumed that the data traffic arrival process confirms with Markov model .

  6. 研究了用马尔可夫调制的泊松过程(MMPP)对Internet多分形流量突发行为进行近似建模的能力。

    We investigate the approximating capability of Markov modulated Poisson processes ( MMPP ) for modeling multifractal Internet traffic .

  7. 局部Lipschitz条件下的布朗运动和泊松过程混合驱动的正倒向随机微分方程

    Fully Coupled Forward-Backward Stochastic Differential Equations with Brownian Motion and Poisson Processes under Local Lipschitz Condition

  8. 讨论保费收取为泊松过程,双险种,带干扰的破产模型,索赔为cox分布。

    In this paper , we discussed a cox risk model of double line perturbed by diffusion , and its premium is a Poisson process .

  9. 研究了ATM网络的特性,并用批到达泊松过程去近似描述该网络的多个输入ON-OFF源的迭加过程,获得了排队系统Mr/G/1的解。

    The performance of an ATM multiplexer is studied , the superposition of its multiply input ON-OFF sources is modeled by a poisson process with group arrivals . The solutions ofMr / G / 1 queue are obtained .

  10. 从理论上分析了LIA算法在泊松过程业务背景下的响应时间、功率消耗等性能,并结合仿真实验验证了理论分析结果。

    After theoretical analysis of response time , power consumption under Poisson process traffic condition , we give the simulation experiment .

  11. 首先提出了统计性质不变的spiketrain变换方法,然后估计了泊松过程强度参数的后验GAMMA分布,提出了神经发放强度的不确定性度量方法,同时给出了神经脉冲分类的最大似然估计量。

    We propose spike train transformation methods , give out the estimator for the posterior GAMMA possibility of the Poisson intensity , and propose the measurement of uncertainty of Poisson intensity and MLE of spike train classification .

  12. 得出如下结论:有限区间上泊松过程增量N(t)-N(t0)的分布及N(t)在有限区间〔a,b〕上的增量是平稳的。

    The following results are obtained : The distribution of the incremental N ( t ) N ( t 0 ) in poisson process on a finite interval and the incremental of N ( t ) on a finite interval are stationary .

  13. 修正开关泊松过程(RSPP)和RSPP/M/1排队

    Reversed Switch Poisson Process ( RSPP ) and RSPP / M / 1 Queue

  14. 针对布朗运动和泊松过程共同驱动下股票价格的随机微分方程,利用Ito公式和随机积分的方法,得到了该形式下欧式期权定价的模型,并给出了模型的求解。

    The model of European option pricing for a given stochastic differential equation driven by the Brownian motion and Poisson process is obtained and the solution of the model is given out by using Ito formula and the method of stochastic differential .

  15. 已经证明,在某些情况下,再分后的分组流可以用一个修正的开关泊松过程(RSPP)来描述。

    It has been shown that the traffic stream after fragmentation can be modeled as a Reserved Switch Poisson Process ( RSPP ) in some cases .

  16. 在本论文中,我们讨论了三种视频源模型:自回归模型、马尔科夫调制流体流模型、马尔科夫调制泊松过程模型(MMPP)。

    In this paper , we discuss three types of video source models : a autoregressive model , a Markov-modulated fluid flow model , and a Markov-modulated Poisson process model ( MMPP ) .

  17. 分析网络性能时使用用户分类分析思想生成两个二维马尔可夫调制的泊松过程(MMPP)来描述快速用户业务模型和慢速用户业务模型。

    Two two-state Markov Modulated Poisson Process ( MMPP ) are developed to approximate fast users traffic and slow users traffic respectively through the concept of user-classified ( fast user and slow user ) analytical method .

  18. NTT模型是大量活跃的流量队列的迭加,每个队列内部的流量变化过程用分形高斯噪声过程FGN描述,队列的到达过程形成非同构的泊松过程,队列的生存周期服从指数分布。

    NTT model is the superposition of a large number of active traffic train segments , each of which can be described with a fractional Gaussian noise process , while train arrivals form a non-homogeneous Poisson process and train durations are exponential .

  19. 非齐次泊松过程模型的参数计算方法

    The parameter calculation method of non - homogeneous Poisson process model

  20. 马氏调节泊松过程在两部件串联可修系统中的应用

    A Application of Markov-modulated Poisson Process to Two-Unit Series Repairable System

  21. 复合泊松过程及其在保险风险中的若干应用

    The Compound Poisson Process and Several Applications of Insurace Risk Model

  22. 泊松过程中到达时刻条件分布的推广

    Generalization of the Condition Distribution of the Poisson Process Arrival Time

  23. 双泊松过程在地震危险性评估中的应用

    The Application of Dual Poisson Process to the Seismic Risk Evaluation

  24. 带有泊松过程的物流控制的遍历性

    The Ergodicity on Liquidity Effects Control with Poisson Process

  25. 基于死亡效力随机化和复合泊松过程的保费精算模型

    Premium Actuarial Models Based on the Mortality Force Randomization and Compound Stochastic Process

  26. 复合泊松过程在系统可靠性中的应用

    Application of Compound Poisson Process in System Reliability

  27. 汽车保险的广义泊松过程模型

    The generalized Poisson process model of automobile insurance

  28. 两参数泊松过程的性质及预报

    Some properties of two-parameter Poisson process and forecasting

  29. 汾渭和华北平原带地震发生的非稳态泊松过程与中长期概率预测

    Nonstationary Poisson process of earthquake occurrence and researches of long-and medium-term probabilistic earthquake prediction

  30. 复合泊松过程及其应用

    Compound Poisson Processes and Its Applications