
  • 网络shenyang economic zone
  1. 论沈阳经济区创新体系的构建

    On the Construction of Innovation System in Shenyang Economic Zone

  2. 沈阳经济区一体化发展离不开交通一体化,交通一体化发展是基础,是前提。

    The Shenyang Economic Zone can not develop without traffic unification which is the precondition .

  3. 大沈阳经济区产业结构优化研究

    The Study on the Industries Structure Optimization of Large Shenyang Economic Area

  4. 沈阳经济区作为第八个国家新型工业化综合配套改革实验区。

    Shenyang is the eighth new-type comprehensive industrialization reform pilot in China .

  5. 沈阳经济区构建与辽宁旅游竞争力提升

    Construction of Shenyang Economic Area and Promotion of Liaonings Competition in Tourism

  6. 沈阳经济区产业集群研究

    Research on Industrial Cluster in Shenyang Economic District

  7. 沈阳经济区7城市与沈阳市经济联系强度与相关性分析

    The Strength and Relevance of Economic Relation Between Shenyang and Other Seven Cities of Shenyang Metropolitan Area

  8. 作为沈阳经济区一体化发展的重要基础,交通一体化发展尤其值得关注。

    As the foundation of unified development for Shenyang Economic Zone , the traffic unification deserves special concern .

  9. 在整个沈阳经济区一体化发展过程中,交通一体化要走在前列,超前发展,发挥先行官作用。

    During the development of Shenyang Economic Zone , the traffic unification should play the leading and preceding role .

  10. 沈阳经济区构建后主要是以工业产业为主导进行的新一轮的经济结构转换。

    Since the completion of Shenyang Metropolitan Area dominated by industry , a new round of economic structural transformation is conducted .

  11. 选择沈阳经济区为新型工业化综合配套改革试验区是辽宁省政府大力倡导的区域经济一体化过程。

    Choose Shenyang economic zone for new industrialization synthetically reform testing district is advocating Liaoning provincial government of regional economic integration process .

  12. 首先基于沈阳经济区的视角研究表明,沈阳经济区构建以后,各农业部门竞争力均相对构建前出现了不同程度的下降。

    First , based on the perspective of Shenyang Metropolitan Area , it shows that the competitiveness of various agricultural departments appears different degrees of decline after building .

  13. 营口港作为辽宁中部城市群出海口,在沈阳经济区建设中必将扮演举足轻重的重要角色。

    Yingkou Port as the access to the sea of central city in Liaoning Group , play an important role in " the Shenyang economic zone " building .

  14. 辽宁省全省经济地域系统的三大板块分别是辽西北地区,沿海经济带和沈阳经济区。

    Coastal economic belt of Liaoning province , Shenyang economic zone and the northwest area of Liaoning province constitute the three major parts of the province regional economic system .

  15. 第五部分根据上一部分实证分析,对实施沈阳经济区发展战略提供相关的政策和建议,最后是结束语。

    Part of the fifth part on the empirical analysis of the implementation of the development strategy of Shenyang Economic Zone and provide policy recommendations , and finally concluding remarks .

  16. 2010年4月,经国务院批准,国家正式同意设立沈阳经济区为新型工业化综合配套改革试验区。

    April 2010 , with the approval of the state council , the state formally agreed to set up a Shenyang economic zone for new industrialization synthetically reform testing district .

  17. 据了解,目前辽宁省内在建的沈阳经济区环线,全长405公里,以沈阳为中心,连接铁岭、抚顺、本溪、辽阳、辽中、新民。

    The road under construction around Shenyang Economic Zone is as long as405km , which centers in Shenyang via Tieling , Fushun , Benxi , Liaoyang , Liaozhong and Xinmin .

  18. 新公共服务理论的基本内涵和新公共服务理论运用到沈阳经济区一体化进程中的政府的角色定位。

    The new public service theory and the basic connotation of the new public service theory into Shenyang economic zone in the process of integration of the role of government positioning .

  19. 2010年4月,经国务院同意,沈阳经济区被国家发展和改革委员会正式批复为综合配套改革试验区,自此,沈阳经济区成为国务院批准设立的第八个国家综合配套改革试验区。

    In April 2010 , with the consent of the State Council , Shenyang Economic Zone is authorized as a comprehensive reform pilot zone by the national development and Reform Commission .

  20. 辽宁中部六城市构建沈阳经济区,是实现辽宁老工业基地振兴的新思路和重大战略部署。

    It is the new idea and important strategic plan for realizing the development of Liaoning old industrial base to construct the Shenyang economical region concerned with six cities in middle liaoning .

  21. 主要对应论文的第四章,这一章与第五、六、七章一起,共同构成沈阳经济区农业产业结构演进及效益分析的核心内容。

    This part corresponds to Chapter 4 , which is linked to Chapter 5,6 and 7 , the four chapters is the core of the economic benefits analysis of agricultural industrial structure .

  22. 东部沿海地区产业向内陆转移、国家振兴东北老工业基地战略的实施,为沈阳经济区的发展提供了新的机遇。

    It is the industry of eastern coastal region moving inland and the implementation of strategy of vitalizing the northeastern traditional industrial base that apply a new opportunity for Shenyang economic zone .

  23. 结果表明:对于沈阳经济区来讲知识吸收能力、知识存量对知识效应强度作用较大,全要素生产率差异和经济距离影响相对较小。

    Results show that the stock of knowledge absorptive capacity , knowledge is larger ; the action of the effect intensity differences between total factor productivity and economic distance effect is relatively small .

  24. 沈阳经济区在空间上呈现出中间发展水平高、周边发展水平低的特征,各城市之间具有显著的空间差异,且差异呈拉大趋势。

    Shenyang economic zone shows a high level of development around the middle and low level features in brim area . It has the significant spatial difference between each city , and the difference is becoming greater .

  25. 论文分析了发挥辽宁中城市群的作用打造沈阳经济区面临的问题,提出了构建沈阳经济区的途径和对策选择。

    In this thesis we analyze the problems that will be met in building Shenyang economic region to play the role of cities group in Liaoning province and propose the direction and some countermeasures to build Shenyang economic region .

  26. 省级政府应该扮演公共服务的提供者角色、有战略地协调沈阳经济区八城市间关系的协调者角色和公共政策执行中公共利益的保障者角色。

    Provincial government should play a role ; public service providers to coordinate Shenyang economic zone with strategic relationship between eight cities the coordinator of the roles and public policy implementation the role of perfect public interest the implementer approach .

  27. 当前正值辽宁沿海经济带和沈阳经济区大规模开发建设的关键时期,处于两大战略叠加区域的营口市的发展直接对辽宁沿海经济带和沈阳经济区产生影响。

    During the critical time of large-scale development and construction for Liaoning coastal economic zone and Shenyang economic zone , located in the strategic superimposing region of the two zones above , Yingkou development exerts direct influence on the two zones .

  28. 其次,从区域经济一体化发展条件、实现路径、合作机制等方面对沈阳经济区经济体化发展进行了全面分析。

    Spatial economic correlation in Shenyang economic zone is in a continuous improvement process . Secondly , there is a comprehensive analysis of the economic integration of Shenyang economic zone with the development condition , regional economic integration path , cooperation mechanism and other aspects .

  29. 在全球经济一体化和东北老工业基地振兴的新形势下,以市场经济体制为前提,在各级地方政府的推动下,沈阳经济区一体化发展被提上了政府战略发展日程。

    With the economic globalization and the rejuvenation of the old Northeastern Industry Base ; oriented by market economy , the unified development of Shenyang Economic Zone was put on the governments ' strategy agenda , which was pushed by the joint efforts from deferent levels of governments .

  30. 营口港作为东北经济区进出口货物最经济的优选运输链,被辽宁省确立为沈阳经济区6+1模式的出海港,其陆路运输成本较周边港口相对较低,具有非常重要的地位。

    As the most economical preferred transport chain of the Northeast Economic Zone in Import and Export , Yingkou Port was established as the harbor of Shenyang Economic Zone " 6 + 1 " pattern , its land transport costs are relatively low compared to the neighboring ports .