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  • Gasoline generator;gasoline engine generator
  1. 同时根据中频汽油发电机的工作特性,进行了各种设计方案的对比,确定了电源主电路的拓扑结构和控制方案;

    Accordingly to the principle of work of the intermediate frequency gasoline engine generator , the topological structure and control scheme of the main circuit is selected through the contrast of various projects .

  2. 采用小型汽油发电机对UPS供电探讨

    The Research on Using Small Dynamotor as UPS Power Supplier

  3. 基于AVR的小型汽油发电机系统的实现

    Design of Minitype Gas Dynamotor System Based on AVR

  4. 便携式汽油发电机逆变电源的研制

    Development on the Inverting Power Supply of Portable Intermediate Frequency Generator

  5. 汽油发电机转速多模态控制技术研究

    Research on Multimode Fuzzy Control of Flywheel Speed for Gasoline Generator

  6. 汽油发电机聚类自适应多模态调速控制技术

    Clustering self-adaptive multimode speed regulating control method in gasoline generator

  7. 一种基于仿人智能控制的汽油发电机电子调速器

    Electronic Speed Governor for Gasoline Generator Based on HSIC

  8. 小型汽油发电机供电时整流电源工作不稳定情况分析

    Analysis of the Unstablity of the Gasoline Engine Supply for the SMR Rectifier

  9. 中小功率汽油发电机数字式电子调速器的设计

    The design of numerial electronic regulator of medium or small power gasoline generator

  10. 超声波电动机在汽油发电机中的应用

    The Application of Ultrasonic Motor in Gasoline Generator

  11. 小型军用汽油发电机组声特征信号控制的实验研究

    The experimental studies of a miniature military gasoline generating set 's noise character signals ' control

  12. 产品还可应用于汽油发电机、泵、舷外发动机和其他的小型发动机。

    This also includes gasoline generators , pumps , outboard engines , and all other small engine applications .

  13. 本课题研制电子调速器来控制汽油发电机转速,以降低转速超调,提升发电机性能。

    This study develop a Digital electronic governor to control rotate speed of Petrol generator in order to reduce rotate speed fluctuate , improve it 's performance .

  14. 专业生产汽油发电机部份配件、插头、保护器、随机工具、油箱开关及全套塑件等;

    It is specialized in producing petrol generator fittings , such as plugs , sockets , protectors , some tools , switches of fuel tanks and complete set of plastic parts .

  15. 如果你去我们的大本营实地考察,你买了一个汽油发电机,装上一个适配器,灌点汽油,便获得了电。

    If you go to our home deep-whole , you buy yourself a generator that uses gasoline , you put an adapter on that , put muffin in it , and she 's in , you got electricity .

  16. 一方面,Volt从技术上来说是一款增程电动汽车,在行驶约40英里后使用一个汽油引擎发电机,与纯电动汽车相比,这款汽车将更为实用。

    On one hand , the Volt , technically an extended-range electric vehicle that uses a petrol charger after about 40 miles , will be more practical than all-electric competitors .

  17. 汽油发电机组由汽油机动力、发电机定转子、安装支架、面板及电器件等组成(见图1)。

    The gasoline generator sets consists of the gasoline engine motivity , generator stator & rotor , assembly bracket , faceplate and electric appliances ( sees Fig1 ) .