
jiānɡ liú
  • river;waters;currents
  1. 江流激荡。

    The river is surging .

  2. 星垂平野阔,月涌大江流。(杜甫《旅夜书怀》)

    Stars drawn low by the vastness of the plain , | the moon rushing forward in the river 's flow .

  3. 江流宛转绕芳甸,月照花林皆似霰。

    River Flows Ramification-around Austin , Zhao spent on the lam all likelihood sleet .

  4. 2002年松花江流凌日期偏早的原因分析。

    The reason analyses of the earlier ice formation of Song Hua River in2002 .

  5. 那江流上有一条平安的道路,这道路是属于勇士的。&(中)刘白羽。

    A safe path , on the river , belongs to those brave hearts .

  6. 南盘江流域水污染控制研究

    Water Pollution Control in Nanpan River Basin

  7. 基于SWAT2000的图们江流域氮磷营养物非点源污染研究

    Study of Non-point Source Pollution of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Nutrients in Tumen River Watershed on SWAT

  8. 结果表明,线性江流模型能够同时给出出流过程的均值及其对均值的离散程度。

    Case study shows that the present model can obtain the mean value of outflow process and its discrete degree .

  9. 如果您调整一个前曝光补偿值时,曝光指示灯江流在取景窗显示上。

    If you are adjusting a previous exposure compensation value , the exposure indicator will remain in the viewfinder display .

  10. 西陵峡比较宽阔,但是江流至此变得特别凶恶,处处是急流,处处是险滩。

    Xiling Gorge is fairly broad , but the current here is even fiercer and there are many rapids and dangerous shoals .

  11. 因为扬子江流经盆地,该地又是华东地区的上游,海军可以轻而易举地顺流而下。

    Since the Yangtze flows through the basin and thus is upstream to areas of eastern China , navies could be easily sailed downstream .

  12. 在献冲村一组的江边,湍急的江流受阻变向,将江岸冲刷得支离破碎。

    In Xian Chongcun a group of the riverside , fast Jiangliu disruption to the change , will be washed away in the Jiangan fragmented .

  13. 江流刚奔出巫峡,还没来得及喘息,却又冲人第三峡&西陵峡了。

    No sooner has the Yangtze passed Wu Gorge than , without stopping for breath , it rushes us on to the third gorge , Xiling .

  14. 西南地区水电开发对于实施我国能源战略有重要意义,雅砻江流域在西南地区水电开发中又具有典型代表性。

    The hydropower development of southwest area is very important for the energy strategy of China , in which the Yalong river is the most representative .

  15. 对飞云江流域珊溪水库坝址以上泰利台风暴雨洪水及水库洪水调度和防洪效益进行了分析。

    This paper analyses " Taili " typhoon storm flood above Shanxi Reservoir dam site of Feiyun River Vally , reservoir flood operation and flood control benefit .

  16. 有一条江流过我的家乡,我过去经常在那条江里游泳,也正是在那里,我学会了游泳。

    There is a river flowing through my hometown . I used to swim in this river , and it was also in this river that I learnt swimming .

  17. 本文结合曹娥江流域下垫面情况及遥感信息,对模型参数作适当修正。

    In this paper , the parameters of the model were modified properly according to the geographical features of Cao E River basin and the re - mote sensing information .