
jiānɡ hé yuán tóu
  • waterhead
  1. 建立江河源头生态补偿机制的环境经济学解释与政策启示

    An Environmental Economics Explanation of River Source Ecological Compensation Mechanism and Related Policy Enlightenment

  2. 鄱阳湖流域江河源头地区水环境立法保护

    Legislative Protection of Water Environment of Rivers Source Area at the Basin of Poyang Lake

  3. 对江河源头地区生态环境保护的若干建议

    Several proposals for protecting the ecological environment in the source region of Changjiang and Huanghe River

  4. 封山育林是扩大江河源头森林植被的有效途径犯罪源头&未成年人犯罪

    Closing Hillsides for Afforestation , A Effective Method for Expanding the Forest and Vegetation in the Headstream Area Source of Crime - Infant Crime

  5. 那时,耶和华要发丝声,使埃及江河源头的苍蝇,和亚述地的蜂子飞来。

    In that day the Lord will whistle for flies from the distant streams of Egypt and for bees from the land of Assyria .

  6. 通过2个层次的系统耦合,将实现江河源头的生态服务功能与下游受益地区的物质与能流的合理交换,以取得经济、生态和社会的巨大效益。

    In doing so , the economic , ecological and social potentials would be developed effectively through rational exchange of ecological functional services at the headstream areas with materials and energy flows in the benefited lower reaches .

  7. 在那里,沙漠没有了,出现了一些草场。保护江河源头水源和沿线湿地,避免因施工引起水源区沙化、湿地萎缩、草场退化和水质污染。

    There desert gave way to pastures . The headwaters and wetlands along the railway line are to be specially protected to avoid desertification in the headwaters areas , shrinkage of wetlands , deterioration of grasslands and water pollution that might be caused by the construction .

  8. 西部地区是我国主要江河的源头,水资源总量丰富,但由于时空分布不均匀,开发难度大,加之气候干旱,降水较少,因此水资源短缺。

    The western area has several rivers , the water resources is rich , but because the space and time distribution is extremely non-uniform , it is difficult to development , the arid climate , the few precipitation , all of this reasons lead the water resources to scarce .