
  • 网络Polyp;hydranth
  1. 小瘤而且截形的这种的吻与寄主柳珊瑚的水螅体的颜色与形状相配而它的身体与柳珊瑚茎相配。

    The tubercles and truncated snout of this species match the color and shape of the polyps of the host gorgonian , while its body matches the gorgonian stem .

  2. 珊瑚是由某些水螅体构成的。

    Coral is formed by certain types of polyp .

  3. 水螅体具有固定的出芽顺序和芽体着生位置,胃腔和柄共同控制水螅芽体发生的位置与方向。

    The hydra had fixed budding sequence and position , the position and direction of budding in hydra were controlled by gastric cavity and stalk .

  4. 汞对水螅重聚体的毒性作用

    The Toxicity of Hg to the Hydra Reaggregate

  5. 水螅细胞重聚体技术在水质监测中的应用

    Application of Hydra Reaggregation Technology to Water Quality Monitoring