
shuǐ luò guǎn
  • downspout;downpipe;waterspout;downcomer
水落管 [shuǐ luò guǎn]
  • [downpipe] 引檐沟水到地面的水管,多用铁皮等制成。也叫雨水管

水落管[shuǐ luò guǎn]
  1. 浅议水落管的设计与安装

    Brief on design and installation of water downspout

  2. 关于自然落水与水落管外排水的思考

    Thinking about nature falls and drainage with down pipe

  3. 他沿水落管扭动着向上爬去。

    He wriggled his way up the plumbing .

  4. 钢或铁制铸造水落管

    Cast bollard of iron or steel

  5. 有一只小虫在你背上向上爬动。他沿水落管扭动着向上爬去。

    There 's an insect crawling up your back . He wriggled his way up the plumbing .

  6. 建筑严格遵守预防飓风守则,展台设计了铜制直立屋顶,水槽和水落管。

    Built to strict hurricane codes , the booth features a copper standing-seam roof , gutters , and downspouts .

  7. 小隐静脉途径股静脉导管溶栓治疗下肢深静脉血栓形成34例围术期护理水落管从屋顶水槽接下的竖直导水管

    Perioperative nursing care in the treatment of 34 patients with lower limb deep venous thrombosis by femoral vein catheterizing thrombolysis via small saphenous vein