
  • 网络aqueous electrolyte
  1. 4例病人术后出现短期尿崩,合并不同程度的水电解质紊乱,经口服双氢克脲噻、及时补液3~4d缓解。

    Four cases experienced short-term diabetes insipidus and water-electrolyte imbalance of varied degrees , and symptom relieved within 3 to 4 days treated with oral intaking of diuretic and fluid replacement .

  2. 结果:颈髓损伤并发MSOF的诱因为肺部感染、高热、水电解质平衡紊乱、低蛋白血症。

    Results : The inducement of acute cervical cord with MSOF included lung infection , high fever , disorder of hydroelectrolyte balance , and hypoalbuminemia .

  3. 在抢救重症OHSS过程中,以控制有效血容量、调节水电解质平衡及保护肾功能为主。

    The treatment of the patients with OHSS includes maintaining the blood volume , regulating the balance of dielectric and water and protecting the renal functions .

  4. 非水电解质浓溶液的热力学研究(Ⅰ)&用缔合模型关联、推算298.15K时HCL甲醇浓溶液的活度系数

    The thermodynamics of concentrated strong electrolyte nonaqueous solutions ( I ) - correlation and estimation of the activity coefficients of the concentrated HCI methanol solution at 298.15 K by the association model

  5. 介绍超低出生体重儿(ELBWI)水电解质管理的新进展,内容涉及ELBWI水电解质平衡的生理特点;ELBWI水电解质管理的原则;

    The article introduced new advances in management of fluid and electrolyte balance in extremely low birth weight infants ( ELBWI ) .

  6. 结论:正确掌握补液原则,及时纠正水电解质紊乱,合理营养支持治疗,对提高AOPP患者救治率起重要作用。

    Conclusion : Correct handling of the principles of fluid replacement , prompt correction of water and electrolyte disorders and rational supporting treatment with nutrients play an important role in increasing the cure rate of AOPP .

  7. 结果5例患者经禁食、胃肠减压、维持水电解质平衡、左侧卧位、暂停或减轻颅骨-骨盆牵引重量后症状逐渐缓解,5~7d后均痊愈。

    Results For the 5 patients , the symptoms were relieved after fasting , drainage with nasogastric tube , keeping electrolytic balance , left lateral position , suspense or reduction of the heavy traction , all of them recovered completely after 5-7 days .

  8. 本文对锂电池中负极材料表面固体电解质膜(SEI膜)的SERS谱进行了研究:极化低电位下对贵重金属的研究表明,非水电解质溶液中痕量水的存在将对SEI膜产生重要影响。

    The solid electrolyte interphase film ( SEI film ) of anode materials for lithium batteries was studied by SERS in this paper . Study on noble metal at low potential shows that trace water in non-aqueous electrolyte has an important influence on the SEI film .

  9. 两组病人均于术后给予抗感染及维持水电解质平衡等相同的常规处理。

    Both groups were given the same routine treatment after surgery .

  10. 超低出生体重儿水电解质平衡的管理

    Management of fluid and electrolyte balance in extremely low birth weight infants

  11. 肾移植术后早期水电解质平衡的调节

    Management of Fluid and Electrolyte Balance Early after Kidney Transplantation

  12. 维持营养和水电解质酸碱平衡、处理并发症等。

    Keep electrolyte balance and deal with the complication etc .

  13. 急性有机磷农药中毒水电解质紊乱的防治

    Water and Electrolyte Disorders and Their Supporting Treatment during Acute Organophosphorus Pesticide Poisoning

  14. 贫水电解质体系制备多孔阳极氧化铝模板的研究

    Preparation of Porous Anodic Aluminum Oxide in Water-Deficient Electrolytes

  15. 小儿急性轮状病毒肠炎水电解质及酸碱平衡紊乱的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis on Water-Electrolyte and Disturbance of Acid-Base Balance in Children with Acute Rotavirus Enteritis

  16. 拟静态沸点计法测定非水电解质溶液的渗透系数

    A New Method of Pseudo-Static Ebulliometer for Determination of Osmotic Coefficients of Nonaqueous Electrolyte Solution

  17. 凝血酶对丘脑组织血脑屏障及水电解质含量的影响

    Effects of Thrombin on Blood Brain Barrier , Water and Ion Contents of Thalamic Tissue

  18. 治疗应以快速补液、纠正水电解质紊乱等保守疗法为主。

    Conservative treatment including rapid infusion and correction of electrolyte disturbance was the main therapy .

  19. 脑膜炎患者水电解质平衡失调初探

    Imbalance of water and electrolyte in meningitis

  20. 急性完全性颈髓损伤患者的水电解质紊乱及相关内分泌变化

    Water-electrolyte imbalance and the changes of relative endocrine systems in acute complete cervical spinal cord injury

  21. 现代医学多采用维持水电解质、酸碱平衡及支持疗法治疗。

    Modern medicine frequently adopts maintaining the balance of Water-Electrolyte and acid and alkali , supporting treatment .

  22. 目前针对非感染性腹泻、轮状病毒感染的秋季腹泻及迁延性、慢性腹泻尚无特效的西医治疗手段,多采用维持水电解质、酸碱平衡及支持疗法。

    Now there are no effective therapy for noninfectious diarrhea and human rotavirus enteritis in western medicine .

  23. 一氧化氮对伤段脊髓水电解质及超微结构的影响

    Effect of nitric oxide on the content of water and electrolytes and ultrastructure in injured spinal cord tissue

  24. 肾移植围手术期水电解质平衡的临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Balance of Water and Electrolytes During the Period of Peri - operation of Renal Transplantation

  25. 对本组患儿术后呼吸、循环、水电解质平衡、营养、预防感染等进行综合管理。

    All patients received comprehensive management regarding respiration , circulation , fluid and electrolyte balance , nutrition and infection control .

  26. 糖尿病胃轻瘫临床上主要表现为早饱、上腹不适、恶心、发作性呕吐和体重减轻,严重地影响了患者的生活质量,并削弱了血糖的调控,可引起营养不良和水电解质紊乱。

    Symptoms of diabetic gastropathy may include dysphagia , heartburn , nausea and vomiting . Gastroparesis seriously affects quality of life .

  27. 奶牛难产激发应激性急性肾上腺皮质功能不全&心衰、水电解质严重失调辩析

    Dysfunction of adrenalin cortex induced by stressful dystocia of dairy cowa & analysis of heart failure and serious imbalance of electrolytes

  28. 目的分析妊娠剧吐所致水电解质紊乱、酸中毒,严重者可致韦尼克脑病发生。

    Objective To discuss the disorder of electrolyte and acidosis caused by vomiting of pregnancy that might induce wemicke brain disease .

  29. 结果除早期的3例死于脑水肿和脑梗塞外,其余18例水电解质代谢紊乱均得到纠正。

    Result Among the patients , cured cases in clinic were 18 and 3 cases died of brain edema and infarction .

  30. 目的:探讨新生儿窒息后水电解质和酸碱平衡紊乱及其与肾功能损害的关系。

    Objective : To evaluate relationship between electrolyte , amion gap ( AG ) and renal function injury post asphyctic newborn .