
shuǐ lì xué
  • hydraulics
水力学[shuǐ lì xué]
  1. 特性参数k和δ是影响离心级联水力学状态的重要参量。

    The characteristic parameters k and δ are very important in the cascade hydraulics .

  2. Excel在绘制复杂水力学函数曲线中的应用

    Application of Excel in drawing complex hydraulics function curve

  3. V型滤池过滤水力学与工艺设计计算

    The hydrodynamics , technological design and computation as related to the V shape filter bed

  4. 研究了C.丁坝水力学特性研究

    A Study on Hydraulic Properties of Groyne Research

  5. TP环状填料的几何及水力学性能的研究

    Study on the geometric and hydraulic properties about TP ringlike packing

  6. 然后在雨峰相对位置参数r取不同的值时,对不同土的水力学特性,初始条件的情况进行有限元渗流计算。得到了不同的模型参数下孔隙水压力的变化规律。

    Then , the numerical seepage analysis can be carried out with different r under different soil hydraulic prosperities and initial conditions .

  7. 薄板坯连铸CSP结晶器液位波动影响因素的水力学模拟研究

    Study of Process Parameters on Level Fluctuation in CSP Mould of Continuous Thin Slab Casting

  8. 水力学与计算机技术有机结合产生的CFD数值模拟技术极大地增强了解决复杂问题的能力。

    The CFD numerical simulation technology combined by hydraulics and computer technology greatly enhances the ability to solve complex problems .

  9. 通过水力学和结构有限元仿真分析对矩形和U形钢筋混凝土渡槽进行比较,指出U形渡槽在过水能力和结构受力上均优于矩形渡槽。

    According to the hydraulics and structure finite element imitation , the comparison of rectangle and U shape reinforce concrete cross channel is studied .

  10. 扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察证明MBR系统在三阶段的膜污染层具有不同的水力学结构。

    Observation using scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) showed different hydraulic structures for the membrane fouling layers in the three stages .

  11. 然后利用大型设计分析软件workbench对洗井冲砂过程进行建模、水力学特性探究。

    Finally , using the analysis software workbench for modeling the process of sand washing , exploring the hydraulic characteristics .

  12. 通过对比水力学模型实验和CFD软件计算得到的RTD结果。

    The efficiency of CFD software is validated through comparison of the RTD curves of water model experiment and numerical simulation .

  13. 在此基础上将太湖流域简化成m个线性入流系统和n个出流河道,根据水量平衡方程、水力学方法和水文学原理,推导出具有物理基础的太湖水位预报多元回归模型。

    Besed on the water-balance equation , hydraulic methods and hydrologic theory , a physics-based multi-regression model for Taihu Lake stage is framed simplifying Taihu Lake basin into m linear response sub-basins and n drainage channels .

  14. 随着GIS技术、数据库访问技术的不断发展以及水力学演算方法的改进,GIS技术在洪水实时预测、防洪规划和调度方面发挥着越来越大的作用。

    With the development of GIS technology , Database Access technology and Hydraulics arithmetic , GIS technology have already played an important role in the application of flood real-time forecasting , flood control planning and regulation .

  15. 本文阐述了利用多媒体手段辅助教学的特点以及水力学CAI课件的开发情况,并结合水力学实验探讨了多媒体CAI课件在具体实验教学中的应用。

    The Exploitation of Hydraulics Experiments Instruments and the Development of Mangement System Combining with hydraulics experiments the application of multimedia CAI software in the experimentation teaching is discussed in the paper .

  16. PDC钻头在实钻过程中井底流场非常复杂,而优化其水力学参数是提高钻头钻井能力的有效手段。

    The flow field of PDC bits is very complicated during drilling process , while optimizing its hydraulics parameters is an effective method to improve its drilling performance .

  17. 针对上海市城区排水系统的水文水力学特性,以SWMM(StormWaterManagementModel)为基础开发出适合上海市区产流及排水特点和防汛管理要求的城市雨洪模型。

    In regard to the hydrological and hydraulic characteristics of the Shanghai drainage system , a rainfall runoff model based on the Storm Water Management Model ( SWMM ) that suits flooding and drainage characteristics in Shanghai was established to simulate flooding management .

  18. 本文从水力学条件的角度,对长江三峡水利枢纽正常蓄水位150m方案的总体布置作了初步研讨。1.概略介绍长办推荐的枢纽布置方案及其它两种研讨方案。

    In view of hydraulics , the general arrangement of Three Gorge Water Control Project has been studied for normal water surface of 150 m.

  19. φ70mm核用离心萃取器Ⅰ.机械性能和水力学特性

    φ 70 mm Centrifugal Extractor Used in Nuclear Industry ⅰ . Mechanical Performance and Hydraulic Characteristics

  20. 通过对SBR废水处理过程的生化反应动力学和水力学条件优化,以及对预处理设施的多能化研究,研制了一套生产性规模的SBR废水处理成套设备。

    Through optimizing the bio chemical reaction dynamic and hydraulic condition in SBR wastewater treatment process , and studying on the multi function of pretreatment equipment , we developed full scale SBR wastewater treatment complete sets of equipment .

  21. 该方案经水力学公式核算的结果显示,改造后的EO塔处理能力增加了1.3倍,满足了装置扩能改造的要求。

    The hydrodynamic calculation results show that the capacity of the existing absorption tower is increased by 1.3 times after innovation and satisfy the requirement of expansion of EO / EG plant .

  22. 在200MW核供热堆(NHR-200)水力学实验回路(HRHTL-200)上完成了NHR-200燃料组件进口阻力特性实验研究。

    The Experiment is carried out on the 200 MW heating reactor hydraulic test loop ( HRHTL 200 ) .

  23. 依据结构设计和中子学计算结果给出了聚变发电反应堆FDS-Ⅱ双冷锂铅(DLL)包层热工水力学设计方案。

    Based on the structure design and the results of the neutronics calculation , the thermal-hydraulics design scheme on the Dual-cooled Lithium-Lead ( DLL ) Breeder Blanket for the fusion power reactor ( named FDS - ⅱ) is presented .

  24. D113弱酸交换树脂的水力学特性试验

    Hydraulic Characteristics of Weakly Acid Cation Exchange Resin

  25. 铅铋合金在应用中存在诸多关键问题,其中液态铅铋合金中的氧浓度测量与控制直接影响液态金属热工水力学性能及其与材料的相容性而成为ADS研究的关键技术之一。

    The concentration of dissolved oxygen in liquid lead-bismuth eutectic directly affect the liquid metal thermal hydraulics performance and material compatibility . Therefore , control of oxygen concentration in the liquid lead-bismuth eutectic is one of the key technologies to ensure the future ADS reactor operation .

  26. 在5MW低温供热堆热工水力学实验台架HRT-5上,以水为工质,进行了低压自然循环两相流流型及流型对密度波不稳定性影响的实验研究。

    An experimental study on two-phase flow pattern in the riser of low pressure natural circulation system was performed .

  27. 运用四川联合大学高速水力学国家重点实验室所属的丹麦DANTEC公司生产的二维激光光纤测速及动态粒子分析系统,测量了圆管流转过程中的速度分布,所测雷诺数范围为2000~3750。

    Using 2 - D Laser Fiber Velocimeter Dynamic Particle Analysis System produced by DANTEC Corp. , Denmark , of State Key Hydraulics Lab.

  28. 含有不凝性气体的蒸汽冷凝是先进反应堆非能动安全壳冷却系统(PCCS)中重要的换热方式,是当前核反应堆热工水力学研究的一个热点。

    Condensation of steam in the presence of noncondensable gases is an important heat transfer mode in the passive containment cooling system ( PCCS ) .

  29. 最后根据汉江流域的历史洪水资料和洪水风险评估结果,用水力学的HEC-RAS软件对该级别的洪水进行了洪水灾害严重程度的仿真。

    Finally , we give a hydraulic simulation based on HEC-RAS and history flood and the flood risk assessment results of Hanjiang River .

  30. 非结构网格有限体积法(FVM)物理意义清晰,能处理复杂的计算区域,逐渐被应用在水力学及河流动力学领域中。

    For unstructured-grid Finite Volume Method ( FVM ) has clear physical meaning and can be used in complex computational domain , this method has been applied in the hydrodynamic and river dynamic computation in recent years .