
yǎnɡ huà huán yuán tài
  • redox state
  1. 通过AMS标记玉米CHLI的氧化还原态,经非还原SDS-PAGE检测显示,经叶绿体氧化还原系统调节的CHLI全部转化为还原态。

    Through AMS label the redox state of maize CHLI , non-reducing SDS-PAGE analysis shows that , CHLI regulated by chloroplast redox system transformed to reduce state .

  2. 谷胱甘肽GSH/GSSG氧化还原态各指标的测定

    Research of Measuring Glutathion GSH / GSSG Redox State

  3. 目的通过对不同样品中GSH/GSSG各指标的测定比较,确定最适合的血液样品以反映体液的氧化还原态。

    Objective Oxidized and reduced glutathione in different samples were measured to determine the ideal blood sample reflecting redox status of body fluid .

  4. 同时,白藜芦醇可明显增高HeLa细胞内源SOD的活性以及GSH的含量,但可使CAT的活性显著下降,提示白藜芦醇能显著改变细胞内部的氧化还原态。

    At the same time , resveratrol could obviously enhance the activity of internal SOD , increase the concentration of GSH but decrease the activity of CAT in human cervix cancer HeLa cells , indicating the changes in redox condition in HeLa cells .

  5. NADPH、NADPH/NADP+氧化还原态亦显示出与GSH、GSH/GSSG类似,但较弱的变化,氧化应激损伤产物ox-LDL、MDA随内膜增厚明显增加(P<0.05);

    Similar but milder results were shown for NADPH and NADPH / NADP + redox status . The products of oxidative stress ox-LDL and MDA also increased significantly ( P < 0.05 ) in proportion to the thickening of artery intima .

  6. 目的探讨氧化还原态失衡与动脉粥样硬化的关系。

    Objective To explore the relationship between plasma redox status and atherosclerosis .

  7. 铁磷熔体的氧化还原态和导电性能

    Electrical property and redox state in iron phosphate melts

  8. 氧化还原态失衡与冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病甲硫氨酸硫氧化物还原酶A对氧化应激状态下黑素细胞活性的影响

    Redox status imbalance in coronary atherosclerotic cardiopathy

  9. 被动吸烟对动脉粥样硬化影响的研究现状氧化还原态失衡与冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病

    Modern Trends in the Influence of Passive Smoking on Atherosclerosis Redox status imbalance in coronary atherosclerotic cardiopathy

  10. 氧化还原态参与细胞分裂、分化、生长和程序性死亡的调控。

    The redox status of cell participates in the regulation of division , differentiation , growth and programmed cell death .

  11. 这些蛋白主要参与调控氧化还原态、蛋白质翻译、能量代谢、氮代谢等多个生命过程。

    It was speculated that they involve in regulation of redox state , protein translation , energy metabolism , nitrogen metabolism process .

  12. 血脂康胶囊对血管内皮功能具有一定的保护作用,可使GSH/GSSG氧化还原态向还原方向偏移。

    Furthermore , XZKC exerts effective protection on vascular endothelial function , and can make GSH / GSSG redox status shift towards deoxidation .

  13. 主要形态包括可交换态、残留态、铁锰氧化还原态、碳酸盐态和有机态等。

    The fates of soil heavy metals consist of exchangeable , residual , Fe-Mn redox extracted , carbonate extracted and organic extracted fractions .

  14. 结论氧化还原态失衡、向氧化方向偏移与脂质的氧化损伤、内膜增厚相关,与动脉粥样硬化的发生发展可能存在某种紧密的内在联系。

    Conclusion The imbalance of plasma redox status deviating to oxidation might be implicated in oxidized injury of lipid , intima thickening and atherosclerosis progress .

  15. 结论:阿托伐他汀和普罗布考均可有效调脂,但仅阿托伐他汀可使冠心病患者氧化还原态向还原方向偏移。

    Conclusion : For patients with coronary heart disease , atorvastatin and probucol all can efficiently lower blood lipids , but only atorvastatin make redox status shift to deoxidizing direction .

  16. Torulopsisglabrata620在丙酮酸生物合成中的能荷变化和氧化-还原态趋势

    Trend of Energy Charge and Oxidation-Reduction State in vivo during Pyruvate Production by Torulopsis glabrata 620

  17. PEPC活性光/暗变化的原因与酶的氧化&还原态有关。

    The changes of PEPC activity has the relationship to the redox state of PEPC in the transitions between light and dark , but it is not only reason .

  18. 血清氧化-还原态的监测及其与细胞损伤的关系

    Measurement of human serum redox status and the relationship of cell redox status with cell injury

  19. 体液氧化-还原态检测指标的确立及健康人群氧化-还原态正常值范围初探

    Investigation of Methods for Measuring Redox State in Body Fluid and the Determination of Normal Range of Redox State in Healthy People

  20. B氧化态和还原态的百分率较高。

    The percentage of the reducible and the oxidizable fractions of B were higher than other two fractions .

  21. 原位Pb污染土壤中Pb的存在形态表现为:残渣态可氧化态可还原态弱酸提取态。

    The speciation of Pb in the Pb contaminated soil were residual oxidizable reducible acid extractable .

  22. 用Faraday磁天平原位测定了Fe&Mo系加氢脱硫催化剂于氧化态及还原态时的磁化率。

    The magnetic susceptibility of the Fe-Mo catalyst both in the oxidation and in the reduction state has been determined by Faraday balance .

  23. 采用红外光谱研究了CO在担载于Al2O3上的氧化态和还原态Pd与Pt及Pd-Pt双金属催化剂上的吸附态和吸脱附行为。

    The adsorption and stepwise desorption of CO and the adsorbed Species of CO on the oxidized and reduced alumina-supported Pd , Pt and Pd-Pt bimetallic catalysts have been studied by in situ IR spectroscopy .

  24. 应用微反应装置研究了Pt-Pd/Al2O3和Pt-Rh-Pd/Al2O3催化剂的氧化态和还原态的催化活性,对催化剂进行了XRD、TPD、TPR表征,并对反应机制进行了探讨。

    Catalytic activities of oxidized Pt-Pd / Al2O3 and reduced Pt-Pd / Al2O3 catalysts , oxidized Pt-Rh-Pd / Al2O3 and reduced Pt-Rh-Pd / Al2O3 catalysts were studied with flow-system micro reactor . All these catalysts were characterized by TPD , XRD and TPR and their catalytic mechanisms were discussed .

  25. 人类活动增加了氧化态和还原态氮化合物向森林生态系统的输入。

    Human activities have increased the inputs of oxidized and reduced nitrogen compounds to forest ecosystems .

  26. 文章对具有生理活性的抗坏血酸的氧化态、还原态及总量进行了红外光谱法同时测定。

    In this paper , redox and total content of ascorbic acid which was of bioactivity were determinated simultaneously by infrared spectroscopy .

  27. 说明呼吸链的电子传递体在氧化态与还原态交替变化进行电子传递时,蛋白总体构象不发生大的改变,而活性中心血红素辅基局部构象变化很大。

    These results indicated that the local conformation of heme group but not the comformation of whole protein molecular changed with their redox states .

  28. 试验结果表明,在充放电过程中,内阻变化受正负极活性物质氧化态/还原态的转化反应影响,充电过程与内压有关。

    The results show that the variation of internal resistance of the battery during charge / discharge cycle is affected by the transformation of oxidation / reduction of active materials .

  29. 在氧化态和还原态Pt-Rh-Pd/Al2O3催化剂中,氧化态Pt-Rh-Pd/Al2O3催化剂的催化氧化性能不如还原态Pt-Rh-Pd/Al2O3催化剂,主要是由不同的催化机制所引起的;

    The oxidation activity of oxidized Pt-Rh-Pd / Al2O3 catalyst is not as good as that of reduced Pt-Rh-Pd / Al2O3 catalyst , which is attributed to their different catalytic mechanisms .

  30. 结果表明,在氧化态和还原态Pt-Pd/Al2O3催化剂中,氧化态Pt-Pd/Al2O3催化剂的催化氧化性能优于还原态Pt-Pd/Al2O3催化剂,且具有相同的催化机制;

    The results showed that oxidation activity of oxidized Pt-Pd / Al2O3 catalyst is superior to that of reduced Pt-Pd / Al2O3 catalyst , and they have the same catalytic mechanism .