
máo zi
  • Westerner;bandit;tuft of fine hair
毛子 [máo zǐ]
  • (1) [Westerner]∶旧时对西洋人的蔑称

  • (2) [bandit] 〈方〉∶指土匪

  • (3) [broken hair] 〈方〉∶细碎的毛

  1. 毛子草化学成分及其促PC-12细胞的分化作用研究Ⅰ

    Study on chemical constituents from Incarvillea arguta and their accelerating PC-12 cell differentiation

  2. 目的:研究毛子草的化学成分及其促PC-12细胞的分化作用。

    Objective : To study chemical constituents of Incarvillea arguta and their accelerating PC-12 cell differentiation .

  3. 女孩子用汽油擦地下的油墨,男孩子扔纸毛子,就是裁下来的废纸边。

    Girls gasoline wipe underground ink , the boys throw paper books , is cutting down waste paper edge .