
  • 网络Oracle Bones from the Yin Ruins
  1. 试论殷墟甲骨文字的平原性特征

    The Plain Characteristic of the Bone-Shell Inscriptions in Yin Ruin

  2. 在殷墟甲骨文字中,保留了一些关于上古结绳记事的信息。

    Some ancient information about keeping records by tying knots was retained in Yin Ruins oracle bone inscriptions .

  3. 文章试缀了十一组殷墟甲骨,并对相关问题作了简要的说明。

    In this thesis , twenty three pieces of oracle bones are divided into eleven groups , and some interpretations are made .

  4. 殷墟甲骨卜辞是现存最早的成系统的汉字,是殷商晚期历史的记载,也是中国文化、语言、历史可追溯的最早源头。

    Oracle bones inscriptions of the Yin Ruins , it is the earliest existing Chinese characters , and the history of the late Shang Dynasty is recorded by it , but also it can be traced back to the earliest source for Chinese language , culture , history .

  5. 我国淡水养殖历史悠久,根据殷墟出土的甲骨卜辞,证明我国早在殷商末年就开始养殖鱼类。

    China has a long history in freshwater fish culture . The oracle bone inscriptions excavated from Yin ruins prove that the fish culture of China appeared as far back as at the end of the Shang or Yin Dynasty .

  6. 在殷墟发现的甲骨卜辞约有10万多片,所记甲骨文单字总数约有4500左右,今已确认者约有2000千字左右,基本上具备象形、指事、会意、形声等造字方式。

    One hundred thousand of pieces of oracle-bone in-scriptions have been found in the ruins of Yin , which contains about 4500 characters and about 2000 have been deciphered . The written characters were already formed in four different ways : pictographs , ideographs , associative compounds and phonetic compounds .

  7. 花东子组甲骨所提供的新资料很多,本文重点讨论:第一,殷墟花园庄东地甲骨提供的若干新资料,内容涉及时称、大岁、猎首诸方面;

    The bones and tortoise shells in the Huadong subgroup provide large quantities of new data : First , these new materials involve many areas , such as names of time , greater year and hunting chief .