
wǔ zhuānɡ qǐ yì
  • armed uprising
  1. 他们正密谋发动武装起义。

    They were plotting to stage an armed insurrection .

  2. 然而,1848年欧洲大陆的武装起义被反动势力镇压后,被那一年的伦敦《泰晤士报》(Times)形容为“外国大胡子煽动家”的威胁,在资产阶级心目中渐渐变得不那么危险。

    But after reactionaries crushed the violent uprisings of 1848 in Continental Europe , the threat of what the Times of London described that year as " foreign bearded propagandists " began receding in the capitalist imagination .

  3. 武装起义在都柏林:爱尔兰共和国宣布。

    Armed uprisings in Dublin : the Irish Republic is proclaimed .

  4. 那个反动政权被一次武装起义推翻了。

    The reactionary regime was thrown down by an armed uprising .

  5. 他的追随者们随时准备响应他的号召,进行武装起义。

    His followers were ready at his whistle to rise in arms .

  6. 山东人民抗日武装起义

    Anti-Japanese Armed Uprising of the People in Shandong Province

  7. 那里是否会再次爆发反抗以色列统治的巴勒斯坦武装起义呢?

    Will there be another intifada , an armed Palestinian uprising against Israeli rule ?

  8. 人民终于武装起义推翻了残暴的统治者。

    At last the people rose up in arms and defeated the cruel rulers .

  9. 过去这个地区的人们武装起义来保护他们的权利。

    People in this area rose in arms to protect their rights in the old days .

  10. 这次,他们放弃大规模武装起义,而是开展游击战和暗杀行动。

    The exhibition This time , they give an armed uprising scale , but develop guerrilla and assassination .

  11. 自成立之日起便将武装起义提上了议事日程;

    Both of them had clear revolutionary programs , and put armed uprising on the agenda from the very beginning .

  12. 以黄明堂为首发动的河口起义,是孙中山领导十次武装起义之一。

    Hekou uprising , led by Huang Mingtang , is one of the ten important uprisings planned by Sun Yatsen .

  13. 1926年10月,上海工人为配合北伐战争发动武装起义。

    Shanghai workers launched armed insurrection for the coordination of the Northern Expedition in octo , 1926 , but they failed .

  14. 美官员称,有报道说该案件是由于武装起义而引起的。

    The killing of the family was originally reported by the military as due to " insurgent activity ," American officials said .

  15. 从孙中山组织革命的小团体起,他就进行了几次反清的武装起义。

    From the start , when he organized a small revolutionary group , Sun Yat-sen staged armed insurrections against the Ching Dynasty .

  16. 天灾人祸把广大人民群众推到死亡的边沿,武装起义相继而起。

    The natural disasters and man-made calamities pushed the masses to the edge of the death . Therefore rebellions happened one by one .

  17. 但它配合武装起义,造成了大规模革命一触即发的客观环境,有一定的历史作用。

    Supported by the armed uprising , it plays an important role in history in giving rise to the revolution of wide scope .

  18. 上海光复是同盟会中部总会和光复会共同策划,举行武装起义的;

    The recovery of Shanghai was co-plotted and the armed uprising was co-held by the central headquarters of the Chinese Revolutionary League and the Restoration League .

  19. 北约发言人说,战斗发生前,两大股武装起义分子正试图穿过巴基斯与阿富汗边境进入阿富汗。

    NATO spokesman said two large groups of insurgents were seen crossing into Afghanistan from Pakistan before the fighting erupted in eastern Paktika province near the border .

  20. 两岸同胞为反对外国殖民者侵占台湾进行了包括武装起义在内的各种方式的斗争。

    The Chinese people on both sides of the Straits waged various forms of struggle including armed insurrections against the invasion and occupation of Taiwan by foreign colonialists .

  21. 本文在列举资产阶级革命派筹款方法的基础上,具体分析了筹款活动对武装起义的影响,并探求了武装起义失败的原因。

    Discussed in this article are the effect of the fundraising and the reason for the failure of the insurrection . Methods . Method : 261 strains of Y.

  22. 1907年与黄兴、蔡锷等在广西发动武装起义,因积劳成疾,28岁即英年早逝。

    In 1907 , he rose up with Huang Xing , Cai E , etc. in Guangxi , late he died from tiredness when he was 28 yeas old .

  23. 1842年,争取普选权的运动在多尔律师领导下演变为武装起义,迫使州政府做出让步。

    In 1842 , the suffragist movement under the leadership of Thomas Dorr developed into an armed rebellion , which eventually forced the state government to adopt universal suffrage .

  24. 革命党人曾联络会党发动多次举行武装起义,1907年爆发的潮州饶平黄冈起义就是其中著名的一次。

    The revolutionary party member once contacted the society launch to hold the armed uprising many times , in1907 erupted Chaozhou jaoping Huang Gang revolted is famous one time .

  25. 同盟会的活动主要在两个方面,一方面与改良主义的政治理念展开论战,另一方面发展一系列武装起义。

    The activities of the Tong Meng Hui had two main aspects , the debates with the reformists on political ideology and the development of a series of armed uprisings .

  26. 孙黄在指导武装起义的实践中逐渐形成了诸如武装革命、战略、战术、建军、军事后勤等军事思想。

    Both of them formed military theory such as armed revolution , strategy , tactics , building up the army , military service during the process of guiding for the armed revolution .

  27. 到了同盟会时期,更充满了武装起义的事迹,直至辛亥革命,武装推翻了清朝。

    The period of Tung Meng Hui ( the Chinese Revolutionary League ) was replete with armed insurrections , right up to the armed overthrow of the Ching Dynasty by the Revolution of 1911 .

  28. 但最根本的原因还在于主观方面,即革命派优先考虑武装起义,将武装起义的重要性置于革命宣传之上。

    But the most basic reason was the subjective factor , that is to say , they put the armed uprising on the short list , setting the importance of the armed uprising above that of the revolutionary propaganda .

  29. 看来叙利亚政府在重复之前的老路——推卸责任,责怪反对派武装起义,并坚称自己在严格遵守停火协定,但很明显停火协定根本不起作用。

    It appears that the regime 's continuing on the familiar path , blaming someone else , blaming the armed uprising and saying that he 's actually sticking to ceasefire and ceasefire which is clearly not in place at all .

  30. 上周,这部长达四个半小时的史诗巨片成为入围奥斯卡最佳外语片奖初选名单的九部影片之一,该影片以1930年台湾当地赛德克族发动反对日本殖民统治的武装起义的真实故事为蓝本。

    Last week , the 4-1 / 2-hour film - based on the true story of Taiwan 's indigenous Seediq tribes who launched an armed uprising against Japanese rule in 1930 - was among nine films short-listed for the foreign-language category .