
  • 网络Takemitsu;Toru Takemitsu;Takemitsu,Toru
  1. 武满彻的风格与观念

    Style and Concept of Toru Takemitsu 's Music

  2. 武满彻是20世纪中期以来,亚洲最具代表性的作曲家之一。

    Toru Takemitsu is one of the most representative Asian composers of the mid-20th century .

  3. 中篇对武满彻不同时期的三首作品进行了综合性分析和研究。

    The second part , analyzing and studying his three works of different periods .

  4. 通过对武满彻代表性作品和声技法的分析,力图揭示他的音乐作品如何在现代与传统的融汇中,在东、西方的对话与融合的时代背景下,形成了独具个性的和声语言。

    Through the analysis to the harmonic technique of his representative works , the dissertation reveals how his works formed the unique harmonic language in the background of merging the modern times with the tradition , the dialogue between the eastern and the western .