
  1. 散发着煮熟水果、樱桃和草莓的香味;

    A nose with aromas of cooked fruit , cherry and strawberry .

  2. 樱桃,草莓,橙子,柠檬。

    Natural Flavors-Cherry , Strawberry , Orange , Lemon .

  3. 我们谈樱桃、草莓,以及在望的葡萄收成。

    We speak of cherries , strawberries , and the promise of the vine crop .

  4. 287.我匆忙快活地吃樱桃和草莓时伤了舌头。

    287 . I hurt my tongue when I hurried to eat cherry and strawberry merrily .

  5. 闻:气味浓郁复杂,充满多种水果香气,樱桃,草莓和覆盆子的芳香。

    Nose : Very intense and complex aromas of fruits , cherry , strawberry and raspberry .

  6. 这家餐馆有不同的馅饼,例如苹果、樱桃和草莓馅饼。

    They sell different pies in the restaurant , such as apple , cherry , and strawberry pies .

  7. 采购:橘子罐头,樱桃罐头,草莓罐头,橙子罐头。

    Buy : Canned orange , Canned cherry , Canned strawberry , Canned mandarin .

  8. 它的特点是一种丰富的微妙的果味象酸果蔓的果实、樱桃、甜瓜和草莓。

    It features an abundance of delicate fruit flavours like cranberry , cherry , melon and strawberry .