• couch;a long, narrow and low bed
  • 狭长而较矮的床,亦泛指床:竹~。藤~。卧~。下~(客人住宿)。


(狭长而较矮的床) couch; a long, narrow and low bed:

  • 竹榻

    bamboo couch;

  • 藤榻

    rattan couch; cane bed;

  • 同榻

    sleep in the same bed; share a bed

  1. 他俯卧在长榻上,睡得很沉。

    He was lying prone on the couch fast asleep .

  2. 从此,每当我倚榻而卧

    For oft , when on my couch I lie

  3. 与其跟个烂醉的基督教徒同睡,不如跟个神志清醒的生番共榻。

    Better sleep with a sober cannibal than a drunken Christian .

  4. 晚餐后,送往下榻酒店休息。

    After dinner , transfer to hotel for check in .

  5. 我在这个月底会去南榻基。

    I 'm gonna be in Nantucket at the end ofthe month .

  6. 木榻前面有一只放捐款的铜盆。

    In front of the wooden bed was a copper basin for alms .

  7. 她坐在长榻上伊莉莎旁边饱看她一顿。

    She sits down on the ottoman beside Eliza , devouring her with her eyes .

  8. 里面的烟榻上一灯如豆,那一粒淡黄色的火焰不住的在跳。

    Inside , on the opium-couch , a tiny yellow flame was dancing in the opium-lamp .

  9. 我困乏了,在闲榻上睡眠,想象一切工作都已停歇。

    I was tired and sleeping on my idle bed and imagined all work had ceased .

  10. 她把便条扔进字纸篓,倒在榻上就睡熟了。

    She threw the note into a wastebasket , and fell fast asleep on a couch .

  11. 他病重在榻,耶和华必扶持他;他在病中,你必给他铺床。

    The Lord will sustain him on his sickbed and restore him from his bed of illness .

  12. 若说,我的床必安慰我,我的榻必解释我的苦情。

    When I say , My bed shall comfort me , my couch shall ease my complaint ;

  13. 一个客店门前停辆榻车或小车原是件最平常的事。

    Nothing is more common than a cart or a truck at the door of a hostelry .

  14. 后来,她对父亲的去世悲痛不已,甚至觉得在父亲卧床之际未能在榻前朝夕相伴宽慰父亲是一种罪恶。

    She felt over sad and even guilty of her father 's death for not chatting with him everyday .

  15. 从那打开着的门向里过去,可以看见一架直立钢琴和一张蓝缎的睡榻。

    Through the open door was visible a portion of the boudoir , containing an upright piano and a blue satin couch .

  16. 杰姆并没有照她的话去做,却倒在小榻上,头枕着双手,微笑着。

    Instead of obeying , Jim tumbled down on the couch and put his hands under back of his head and simled .

  17. 世贸大厦倒榻的那一天,帝国大厦又一次成为纽约最高的建筑。

    On the day the World Trade Center fell , the Empire state Building once again became the tallest building in New York City .

  18. 思嘉莉特坐在一张花梨木的高褥榻上,在一棵大橡树的树荫下,她那衣裙上的皱襞在四周围荡漾着。

    Scarlett sat on a high rosewood ottoman , under the shade of a huge oak , her flounces and ruffles billowing about her .

  19. 英军占了法军的营幕,那是证明胜利的一贯做法,在失败者的榻上高枕而卧。

    The English occupied the encampment of the French ; it is the usual sign of victory to sleep in the bed of the vanquished .

  20. 然而他是白担忧。躺在烟榻上的曾沧海猛的睁开眼来,眼是凶狠狠地闪着红光,脸色也已经变成铁青;

    However , he need not have worried , for Tseng tsang-hai suddenly opened his bloodshot eyes and glared fiercely , and his face became livid .

  21. 这四个人一窝蜂拥到大餐间前面窗口的沙发榻里坐下,竟没看见独坐在门边的四小姐。

    The four of them made a beeline for a sofa under the window , and sat down without noticing Huei-fang sitting quietly by the door .

  22. 17我又用没药,沉香,桂皮,薰了我的榻。当时我正在屋外呼吸玫瑰和薰衣草的芳香。

    I have perfumed my bed with myrrh , aloes , and cinnamon . I was sitting outside , breathing in the scent of roses and lavender .

  23. 8王从王宫花园回到酒筵的宫内,哈曼正伏在以斯帖所靠的榻上。

    And when the king returned from the palace garden into the house of the banquet of wine , Haman was prostrate on the couch where Esther was .

  24. 王从御园回到酒席之处,见哈曼伏在以斯帖所靠的榻上。

    Then the king returned out of the palace garden into the place of the banquet of wine ; and Haman was fallen upon the bed whereon Esther was .

  25. 他愕然四顾,这才又发见阿金独坐在烟榻对面的方桌子边,用手帕蒙住了面孔,像在那里哭。

    He looked round in surprise and discovered his concubine sitting at a table opposite the opium-couch ; her face buried in a handkerchief as if she were crying .

  26. 四个僧侣教团各派代表一人,会同四位政府官员来到威克里夫的榻前,以为他快要断气了。

    Representatives from the four religious orders , with four civil officers , gathered about the supposed dying man . " You have death on your lips ," they said ;

  27. 当时的筵席,客人都是半卧在一个长榻上,而不是坐在椅子上。当哈曼求她饶命时,必是已半伏在以斯帖的榻上。

    At banquets such as this , the guests reclined on couches rather than on chairs and Haman must have half-fallen on to Esther 's couch as he pleaded with her .

  28. 萨勒诺城围攻期间,一名回人酋长把榻置于圣餐台上,每晚都要一名基督修女登上这圣坛献出贞操。

    At the siege of Salerno , a Mussulman chief spread his couch on the communion table , and on that altar sacrificed each night the virginity of a Christian nun .

  29. 到了晚上,我卸下盔甲,我的充满女性的身体,在月光下,在小溪中,在某个男人的睡榻上。

    But at night , I stripped off my armor , shew my robust feminine body , under the moon light , in the brook , or on some man 's bed .

  30. 里墙边原有一张檀木榻,榻几上面摆着一套围棋子,一盘瓷制的大蟠桃。

    In the middle of a wide sandalwood couch against the back wall stood a small low table on which were a set of Chinese chess and a platter of large porcelain peaches .