
  • 网络essential oil
  1. 纯植物精油可以驱逐蚊子,跳蚤,蚂蚁,螨虫等。

    Essential oil eliminates mosquito , flea ant and mite repellant .

  2. 植物精油的超临界流体萃取的研究与发展

    Research Progress in Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Essential Oil

  3. 用GC/MS分析了芸香科植物精油的化学成分,共鉴定了55个成分,A和B是芸香科植物精油的主要成分,共占69%。

    The chemical components of Rutaceae oil were analyzed by GC-MS technique . Fifty-five components were identified . A and B were the major components ( 69 % ) .

  4. 确定了利用同时蒸馏提取法提取植物精油AA的最优条件为:石油醚为提取溶剂,同时蒸馏提取240min,所得精油得率为0.52%。

    Using the method of simultaneous distillation-extraction to extract AA oil , the optimum craft is : petroleum ether for extract solvent , distillation for 240 min. Extraction rates is 0.52 % .

  5. 由此可见,Eucalyptol可能是该植物精油的有效成分之一。

    So we can conclude that eucalyptol may be the one kind of active composition of this essential oil .

  6. 以代替蚊香市场中已被禁止使用的增效剂S2为目标,在对增效剂所用溶剂筛选的基础上,对植物精油增效剂配方进行了筛选。

    In terms of mosquito coils synergistic agent , S2 , had been banned from the market . Plant essential oil solvents were screened on the basis of mosquito-repellent incense synergist as synergist formula .

  7. 留兰香油的驱避效果最好,有效保护时间长达7h。非特异性酯酶是芸香科植物精油、留兰香油、香茅油和椒样薄荷油的重要靶标酶。

    Carvacryl oil was the best repellent which gave protection against Ae . albopictus for at least 7h . NSE was the target enzyme of Rutaceae oil , Carvacryl oil Citronella oil and Mentha piperita oil .

  8. 芳香植物精油分析的气相色谱技术

    Gas Chromatographic Technologies for Studying on Essential Oil of Aromatic Plants

  9. 植物精油应用研究进展

    Advances in the research and the development of plant essential oils

  10. 植物精油对三种储粮害虫控制作用的研究

    Controlling Activites of the Essential Oils Against Three Main Stored-product Pests

  11. 国外对植物精油萃取方法的研究进展

    Research progress of the extraction method of plants essential oil abroad

  12. 植物精油抗菌乳状液涂膜对鸡蛋的保鲜效果

    Preservation effect of eggs by coating with plant antibacterial oil emulsion

  13. 植物精油组分松油烯-4-醇研究进展

    Research progress on the ingredient of plant essential oil & terpinen-4-ol

  14. 芳香植物精油的微胶囊技术及其产品的应用

    The application of microencapsulated technology and product of plant essential oil

  15. 植物精油在环保型乳油中的应用展望

    Prospects for applications of essential oils in the environment-friendly emulsifiable concentrates

  16. 植物精油在仓库害虫防治上的应用

    Application of refined vegetable oil preventing stored grain insects in warehouse

  17. 植物精油增效杀螨剂的研究

    Studies on the Synergist of Plant Essential Oils to Acaricide

  18. 樟科植物精油对杂拟谷盗成虫的毒力测定

    Determination of Toxicity of Lauraceae Plant Essential Oils to Tribolium Confusum Adults

  19. 成份:萃取精纯橄榄叶等天然植物精油。

    Ingredients : Olive Essential Oil , Natural Herbal Essential Oils , etc.

  20. 滇产樟属植物精油的化学研究

    The Chemical Studies of Cinnamomum Trew Plants from Yunnan Province

  21. 两种植物精油能有效抑制食欲,那就是广藿香和乳香精油。

    Two essential oil can stop it which are Patchouli and frankincense .

  22. 三种芳香植物精油香气对缓解焦虑作用的研究

    Anxiety Relieving Study on the Aroma of Three Kinds of Essential Oil

  23. 植物精油对害虫的忌避、拒食和生长发育抑制作用;

    Repellent , antifeedant and insect growth inhibitory actions of essential oils ;

  24. 柑桔属植物精油对仓库害虫的毒性试验

    Toxicity test of essential oils of Citrus against storage pests

  25. 蓝桉叶油脚油中植物精油的研究

    The Study on Essential Oil Extracted from Residue of Eucalyptus Globules Leaf Oil

  26. 几种植物精油对种子发芽力的影响

    Effect of some essential oils of aromatic plants on germinating ability of seeds

  27. 在八种樟属植物精油中含有较多的黄樟素。

    There are much safrole in eight sorts of Cinnamomum Trew plants'ethereal oil .

  28. 香薰植物精油主要成分的气相色谱/质谱分析

    Analysis of main components in fumigation essential by gas chromatography / mass spectrometry

  29. 采用密闭熏蒸方法,测定了多种植物精油对烟草甲害虫的熏杀活性。

    Fumigation activity of some plant essential oils against tobacco beetle was investigated .

  30. 16种芳香植物精油抗氧化活性的比较研究

    Study on antioxidant activity of 16 kinds essential oil