
  • 网络Phytochemical
  1. 我们不缺乏具有显著抗氧化活性的营养素和植物化学物质的试管实验。

    There is certainly no shortage of nutrients and phytochemicals that possess significant antioxidant activity in the test tube .

  2. “大蒜包含大量植物化学物质,比如大蒜素,皂甙,香豆酸等等等等,”基德补充道。

    " Garlic contains lots of phytochemicals , such as allicin , saponin and coumaric acid ," adds Zied .

  3. 绿茶绿茶含有多酚,这一类植物化学物质的抗氧化能力相当于维生素c的100倍。

    Green Tea Green tea is loaded with polyphenols , a class of phytochemicals with 100 times the antioxidant punch of vitamin C.

  4. 这一令人鼓舞的消息源于这样一个发现:较低的白蜡树枯梢病易感性与较低水平的植物化学物质“环烯醚萜苷类”(iridoidglycosides)之间存在关联。

    The encouraging news comes from the discovery of a link between reduced susceptibility to ash dieback and lower levels of plant chemicals called iridoid glycosides .

  5. 好消息:俄亥俄州立大学的研究人员最近发现,从Hass鳄梨中淬取的植物化学物质,能杀死口腔癌细胞或阻止其生长。

    The good news : Researchers at Ohio State University recently found that phytochemicals extracted from Hass avocados could kill or stop the growth of oral cancer cells .

  6. 紫锥菊多酚植物化学物质对大鼠应激性胃溃疡的影响

    Effect of polyphenol phytochemicals in echinacea on stress gastric ulcer in rats

  7. 膳食补充剂中的植物化学物质的危险性评估

    RISK ASSESSMENT : Phytochemicals in Dietary Supplements On Substance

  8. 此类植物化学物质还有效地抵抗了由于密集的运算而带来的疲劳。

    The plant chemicals also appeared to counteract the tiredness brought on by doing the intensive arithmetic .

  9. 目的研究植物化学物质花青素对小鼠巨噬泡沫细胞胆固醇外流的影响,探讨花青素促进巨噬泡沫细胞胆固醇外流的分子机制。

    AIM : To explore the effect of anthocyanin on cholesterol efflux and elucidate its possible molecular mechanism .

  10. 染料木素是大豆异黄酮,植物化学物质的结构类似雌激素的类型。

    Genistein is a type of soy isoflavone , a plant chemical that is structurally similar to estrogen .

  11. 这也许是因为大豆中的植物化学物质&异黄酮的结构类似雌激素的缘故。

    Isoflavones , plant chemicals in soybeans that have a structure similar to estrogen , may be the reason .

  12. 国外保健品行业一直在积极研发、推广富含植物化学物质的产品,以补充人体所需。

    Foreign health care products industry has been active in research and development , the promotion of chemical-rich plant products , to complement the human body .

  13. 也有研究表明,经常喝茶的人有更强壮的骨骼,得关节炎的几率也较低,这归功于茶里面的植物化学物质。

    It has also been suggested that regular tea drinkers have stronger bones and lower probability of developing arthritis due to the phytochemicals found in tea .

  14. 植物化学物质是一种自然产生的物质,包括甘蓝或菜花中的吲哚素,豌豆和豆类中的皂苷,以及豆奶或豆腐中的异黄酮。

    Phytochemicals , naturally occurring substances , include indoles in cabbage or cauliflower , saponins in peas and beans , and isoflavones in soy milk and tofu .

  15. 蘑菇富含抵御疾病的植物化学物质,经常食用可以降低中国和韩国妇女患乳腺癌的风险。

    Mushrooms are rich in disease-fighting phytochemicals , and eating them regularly has been linked to a lower risk of breast cancer in studies of Chinese and Korean women .

  16. 换句话说,中药或药用植物化学物质的有效分离和成分鉴定是中药现代化研究重点。

    In other words , it is the emphasis of the modern investigation of traditional Chinese medicines or medicinal plants to separating the bioactive components and identifying the corresponding compounds .

  17. 营养基因组学是研究营养素和植物化学物质在人体中的分子生物学过程以及所产生的效应,它强调对个体的作用。

    Nutrigenomics is the understanding of the effects of nutrients in molecular processes in the body as well as the variable effects of nutrients and phytochemicals have on each individual person .

  18. 研究证实,这些植物化学物质,如番茄红素、大蒜素、玉米黄酮等,具有显著的抑制自由基、增强机体免疫力等功效。

    Research confirmed that these plant chemicals , such as lycopene , allicin , corn and other flavonoids with significant inhibition of free radicals , and enhance the effectiveness of immunity and so on .

  19. 染料是从植物或化学物质中得来的。

    Dyes come from plants or from chemicals .

  20. 有关食性分化方向的观点倾向于寄主植物转向化学物质相似的植物,表现为寄主转移、寄主扩张和形成寄主型等;

    The insects are more likely to switch to plants with similar plant chemicals to their native host plants , in the forms of host shift , host expansion and host race formation .

  21. 早在公元前5世纪和3世纪,Democritus和Theophrastus就分别提出植物间存在化学物质的相互反应。

    As early as the 5th and 3rd century BC , Democritus and Theophrastus presented respectly that chemical interactions were existed between plants .

  22. 近年来,利用植物的挥发性化学物质对其进行监测和防治的方法受到人们的广泛关注。

    In recent years , it has attracted peoples much attention to use the plant volatiles to monitor and control T.yunnanensis .

  23. 甚至还能从植物中提取化学物质以供药鱼和储存兽皮,也可用以伪装你和你的装备。

    Plants can even provide you with chemicals for poisoning fish , preserving animal hides , and for camouflaging yourself and your equipment .

  24. 酶是植物体内的化学物质和生命物质,其活性和矿质元素含量密切相关,同时,酶活性与植物的抗逆性也有关。

    The enzyme is a primary chemical and vital substance , its activity is closely related with the contents of the mineral nutrition and the resistance of the plant .

  25. 尤其是近年来人们已陆续报道了植物提取物、化学物质、物理因子、真菌及细菌提取物对马铃薯晚疫病的诱导抗性。

    Moreover , in recent years the induced resistance to potato late blight by plant extracts , physical factor , chemical , fungal and bacterial extracts has been reported successively .

  26. 这是因为植物中含有的化学物质有助于抗击癌症。

    This is because plants contain phytochemicals , which help to fight cancer .

  27. 另一组的19名志愿者吃了一种称为Beneforte的“超级花椰菜”,对这种花椰菜另外进行培育使其富含硫代葡萄糖苷这种植物中含的化学物质。

    Another 19 ate a " super-broccoli " called Beneforte , which is bred to be extra-rich in glucoraphanin , a plant chemical .

  28. 植物所含的化学物质有写可能有读,有写可能是对我们极其有用的药物。

    Among chemical substance contained in plants , some must be toxic ( poisonous ), but some must be drugs available to us .

  29. 研究人员从热带一种薄荷类植物中发现的化学物质对缺乏阳光照射的皮革以及实验室隔绝阳光的“白皮”鼠都有作用。

    Researchers have found a chemical from a tropical mint plant that works both as a sunless tanner and as a solar shield in fair-skinned mice .

  30. 鉴于植物体在释放化学物质中,供体根系与土壤,水分,受体植物如稗草等接触较为直接,其蛋白质变化更敏感,据此实验以供体水稻根系为主要研究对象。

    Because when plant exudated chemicals to environment , root is more directly contact with soil , water and received plant such as barnyardgrass ( BYG ), the changes of root protein would be more sensitive .