
  • 网络Mestre;Leighton Meester;meister
  1. 奇客小分队的梅斯特说他为了清洁自己的移动设备,会用1比1的比例把纯度70%的酒精与蒸馏水混合,在绝大多数杂货店和药店,这些东西加起来不会超过4美元。

    To clean his own mobile devices , Mr. Meister at the Geek Squad said he used a 1:1 ratio of 70 percent isopropyl alcohol and distilled water , which together cost less than $ 4 at most grocery and drugstores .

  2. 人们不希望自己的电子设备上满是印子或污垢,梅斯特说,因为就像交易二手汽车一样,状态保持得越好,东西越像新的,你在以旧换新时收回的钱就越多。

    People don 't want any marks or grime on their devices , Mr. Meister said , because like trading in a used car at a dealership , the better the condition , the more like new it is , the more money you get on your trade-in .

  3. 据《Star》杂志报道,两位偶像演员亚当布罗迪和莉顿梅斯特在交往不到一年后宣布订婚。

    Star reports that Adam Brody and Leighton Meester are engaged , after less than a year of dating .

  4. 梅斯特透露,她知道自己将何时离开CW电视台的这部肥皂剧。

    Meester revealed that she knows when she is exiting The CW soap .

  5. 《绯闻女孩》中扮演QueenB的23岁女星梅斯特会在电影里扮演一位年轻的女子,她与家里一位年长的叔叔级朋友发展出了一段恋情。

    The23-year-old Gossip Girl hottie will play a young woman who begins a romantic relationship with a much older family friend ( Laurie ) .

  6. 上周末,莉顿·梅斯特出席了多伦多国际电影节,并参加了自己的新片《TheOranges》的首映。

    Over the weekend , Leighton hit the Toronto International Film Festival where she promoted and premiered her new movie , The Oranges .

  7. 他们纷纷从梅斯特赶回来,在大运河边喝葡萄酒,等待观看一场会让纽约的格鲁西烟花公司(FireworksbyGrucci)感到汗颜的烟花秀。

    They flow back in from Mestre to drink wine on the banks of the Grand Canal and wait for a fireworks show that puts New York 's Fireworks by Grucci to shame .

  8. 形成布尔梅斯特(Burmester)曲线的新方法

    A New Formation of Burmester Curve

  9. 莉顿梅斯特为了尽好做姐姐的责任,每个月汇给母亲7500美元帮助患有严重疾病的弟弟Lex治病。

    Leighton Meester , trying to be the best sister she can , had sent her mother $ 7,500 a month to help out with her brother Lex , who has ' severe medical issues ' .

  10. 他家在这里有一套小公寓,但像大多数前居民一样,已经搬去了梅斯特(Mestre),没有谁会管那片内陆区叫“亚得里亚海的明珠”。

    His family kept a small apartment here but , like most former residents , had moved out to Mestre , the mainland section that no one has ever called Queen of the Adriatic .

  11. 你喜欢梅斯特的短发造型吗?

    What do you think of Meester 's new look ?

  12. 亚诺斯·佩克梅斯特,一个历史系学生,正住在旅店里。

    Janos Pekmester , a history student , is staying at the inn .

  13. 制片人很快提醒说莉顿·梅斯特拍摄的这一场景有可能只是个梦。

    The producers were quick to note that the scene Leighton Meester shot could be but a dream .

  14. 我是亚诺斯·佩克梅斯特,艾尔巴尤拉大学中世纪史系助教。

    I am Janos Pekmester , assistant professor in the medieval history department at the University of Alba Iula .

  15. 失魂落魄的莉顿·梅斯特周一出现在纽约街头为《绯闻女孩》拍摄奔跑的镜头。

    An emotional Leighton Meester makes a run for it Monday on the New York City set of Gossip Girl .

  16. 受好奇心的驱使,德·梅斯特拉把毛刺放在显微镜下观察,他想看看大自然是如何造出这种带黏性的小把戏的。

    Naturally curious , de Mestral examined the burrs under a microscope to see how nature pulled off this sticky trick .

  17. 四铰机构计算图解算法(二)&布尔梅斯特园心曲线或极位曲线

    GRAPHICAL COMPUTING METHOD OF FOUR-BAR LINKAGE ( 2 ) & Burmester s Center-point Curve , or Rather Burmester s Pole-locus Curve

  18. 本文则将梅斯特的思想置于反启蒙的框架中,从文明与野蛮的角度切入,展开讨论。

    This dissertation thus puts his thoughts in the counter-enlightenment backdrop and discusses them from the perspective of " barbarism and civilization " .

  19. 《绯闻女孩》的制片人也很理解梅斯特和该剧其他演员抽出一点时间去完成他们其他的计划。

    The producers have been really understanding of Meester and the rest of the Gossip gang taking time off to work on other projects .

  20. 第三,野蛮与文明,是梅斯特最关心的问题之一,也是其理论中核心概念之一。

    And thirdly , Maistre was most interested in the issue of " barbarism and civilization " which is also one of the core concepts in his theories .

  21. 生日邀宴函亲爱的肯恩‧杰克森/杰森‧梅斯特:十一月十三日星期五,我将为内人在寒舍举办一场生日派对。

    October 28 , 2005 Dear Ken Jackson / Jason Masters , I am throwing a birthday party for my wife on Friday , November 13 at our house .

  22. 在明甘蒂的母亲为这座城市变成“海上迪士尼乐园”感到遗憾之际,明甘蒂说,日益扩张的客栈现在正迫使人们离开梅斯特。

    As his mother regretted the city 's becoming a " Disneyland on the Sea , " Mingati said that the expanding empire of bed-and-breakfasts was now forcing people out of Mestre .

  23. 她承认最近的作品表现不佳,笑着说:我不知道,也许是莉顿梅斯特穿着婚纱的样子太今人敬畏了。

    She admits to repeatedly flubbing her lines and says with a laugh , I don 't know , maybe I was just so in awe of looking at Leighton in the dress .

  24. 其次,则在于梅斯特思想在整个反启蒙运动中的重要地位:在早期的反启蒙运动中,梅斯特的学说是最有意义和最有影响的形式之一。

    Secondly , this dissertation focuses on the significance of Maistre 's thoughts in the whole counter-enlightenment movement - his thoughts are one of the significant and influential forms in the early counter-enlightenment history .

  25. 梅斯特说,她“很享受在剧组里工作,也很享在纽约生活,”但是她打算离开这部电视剧,并开始把精力集中在她的电影事业上(她的新作《乡谣情缘》将在今年12月22号上映。)

    Meester says that she " obviously enjoys working on the show and living in New York , " but she 's ready to break out from the show and start focusing on her movie career ( her film " Country Strong " hits theaters Wednesday , Dec. 22 ) .