
  • 网络James Liang
  1. 在周四的公开信上签名的包括几位拥有较高知名度的公众人物,其中有北京大学(PekingUniversity)社会学系教授李建新和互联网行业的企业家梁建章等。

    The list of signatories to Thursday 's letter included several high-profile figures , including Beijing University sociologist Li Jianxin and Internet entrepreneur James Liang .

  2. 携程的四名代表已加入去哪儿的董事会,包括携程董事会主席兼首席执行官梁建章(JamesLiang)和联合总裁兼首席运营官孙洁(JaneSun)。

    Four Ctrip representatives have joined Qunar 's board , including James Liang , the chairman and chief executive , and Jane Sun , co-president and chief operating officer .

  3. 在过去五年里,梁建章在斯坦福大学(StanfordUniversity)攻读了经济学的博士学位,并且刚刚出版了一本挑战中国人口过剩这一观点的书。梁建章说,他感觉到最近社会上正围绕独生子女政策展开开公讨论。

    in economics at Stanford University and just published a book challenging the notion that China has too many people , said he has felt a recent opening up of discussion around the one-child policy .

  4. 1999年12月,沈南鹏与梁建章(JamesLiang)及另外两人一起创办了携程网——沈梁两人15岁相识,当时他们均被老师推荐参加在上海举办的首届计算机编程竞赛。

    In December 1999 , together with James Liang , whom he had known since they were both 15 and had been nominated by teachers to take part in the first Shanghai computer programming competition , and two others , he founded Ctrip .

  5. 携程联合创始人兼执行董事会主席梁建章表示:

    James Jianzhang Liang , co-founder and executive chairman of Ctrip , said :

  6. 北京大学教授梁建章说,随着越来越多的农民进入城市,中国的城市化率上升,更高的生活成本将令生育率进一步下降。

    As China 's urbanization rate increases , with more farmers moving into the city , the fertility rate will drop further due to higher living costs , said Liang Jianzhang , a professor at Peking University .

  7. 梁建章说,他最初对独生子女政策感到兴趣是因为他看到一项研究表明创新和创业为年轻人所主导。梁建章认为应该完全取消计划生育政策,而不是像其他学者提出的那样实行二胎政策。

    Mr. Liang , who advocates a complete dismantling of the family-planning system rather than a two-child system put forward by others , said he initially became interested in the one-child policy when he came across research showing that innovation and entrepreneurship are dominated by young people .