
  • 网络western guangxi
  1. 桂西地区寒武纪地层的新观察

    A new observation of the Cambrian stratigraphy in Western Guangxi

  2. 桂西山区脱贫与发展研究

    A study on poverty eradicating and development in the Western Guangxi mountains

  3. GIS技术在桂西&滇东南大型锰矿预测评价中的应用

    Research on Application of GIS Technology in the Assessment of Large Manganese Ore in Western Guangxi and Southeastern Yunnan

  4. 桂西&滇东南大型锰矿GIS评价中若干关键技术研究

    Research on the Key Techniques of GIS Based Assessment of Manganese Ore Resources in Western Guangxi and Southeastern Yunnan Region

  5. X射线衍射增量法在三水铝石定量分析中的应用&以桂西堆积型铝土矿中的红土为例

    Application of X-ray diffraction increment method to quantitative analysis for gibbsite : an example of red soil from accumulated type bauxite in Western Guangxi

  6. 目的探讨桂西地区小于胎龄儿(SGA)发生率及围生相关因素。

    Objective To investigate the incidence of small for gestational age ( SGA ) and the perinatal correlation factors in western Guangxi .

  7. 基因型特征:38/56例TI患者进行了基因型检测,共检测出22种基因组合方式,具有桂西地区的基因型特征。

    Genotypes : there were 38 out of 56 cases for which genotyping were carried out . 22 of these 38 cases had kinds of genotypes detected which had the genotype characteristics of west Guangxi .

  8. 简述了X射线衍射增量法进行定量分析的原理、实验过程和实验条件,并用该方法对桂西堆积型铝土矿中的红土三水铝石进行了定量分析。

    The paper has briefly described the basic principle of X-ray diffraction increment method , experiment process and conditions and successfully applied the method in quantitative analysis on gibbsite in red soil from accumulated type bauxite in Western Guangxi .

  9. 桂西笋干中的Fe、Zn、Mg含量远远高于桂西16种蔬菜中微量元素的含量,Cu、Ca、Mn含量高于部分蔬菜含量。

    The content of Fe , Zn , Mg in the bamboos of Guangxi were obviously higher than those in sixteen vegetables , and the content of Cu , Ca and Mn were higher than partly vegetables .

  10. 应用McAb-APAAP法对桂西地区壮族儿童几种疾病的T淋巴细胞亚群进行测定,与正常对照组比较,结果显示:RRTI组CD3减少,CD8增多,CD4/CD8比值降低;

    T-lymphocyte subpopulation was measured by McAb-APAAP method from infants with different pediatric diseases . Compared to the normal group , results showed that in the RRTI group : CD 3 decreased ; CD 8 increased ;

  11. 通过成因地层对比、构造形态和盆地演化过程分析,在黔中南至桂西鉴别出一条NNE向延续的陆内软碰撞带。

    A intracontinental soft collision foldbelt elongated to NNE orienation is recognized by the aid of genetic stratigraphic comparison , structural form and basin evolution analysis in Middle and South Guizhou and East Yunnan provinces .

  12. 桂西岩溶堆积型铝土矿床地质特征及成因

    Geology and origin of the KARST-ACCUMULATION-TYPE bauxite deposits in West Guangxi

  13. 近代桂西壮乡商品经济落后探源

    An Exploration to the Backwardness of Commodity Economy in the Western Guangxi

  14. 桂西壮族健康成年人血液流变特性的调查研究及参考值的建立

    Study of Hemorheology in Healthy Adult Zhuang nationality And The Reference value

  15. 桂西裂谷区凌云水下隆起边缘的滑塌作用

    Slumping process of Lingyun underwater upwarping margin in West Guangxi rift area

  16. 桂西氧化铝厂场平工程硐室爆破

    Chamber blasting for ground clearing and leveling project in Guixi alumina factory

  17. 壮族的英雄、家族与民族神:以桂西岑大将军庙为例

    The Zhuang People 's Hero , Clan and National God

  18. 桂西堆积型铝土矿床地质特征和控矿因素

    Geology and ore-controlling factors of the accumulated bauxite deposit in Western Guangxi

  19. 论大桂西旅游圈的构建

    On the Establishment of Great Western Guangxi Tourism Circle

  20. 桂西地区壮族几种儿科疾病的T淋巴细胞亚群测定

    T-lymphocyte subpopulation was determined from infants with pediatric disease

  21. 桂西堆积型铝土矿中三水铝石矿综合利用前景

    Prospects for Comprehensive Utilization of Gibbsite from Accumulated Bauxite in Western Guangxi Province

  22. 桂西下甲方解石脉型水晶矿床是水晶矿床的新类型。

    Xiajia calcite vein - type mountain crystal deposit is a new type .

  23. 桂西不同职业男性群体血脂及血液流变特性研究

    Study of blood lipids and hemorheology in Zhuang nationality male with various occupations

  24. 桂西南岩溶植被演替过程中的植物多样性

    Species Diversity in the Process of Succession of Karst Vegetation in Southwest Guangxi

  25. 区域经济发展中反贫困思路创新&桂西区域经济发展研究之二

    Innovative Thoughts of Anti-poverty Work in Regional Economic Development

  26. 浅论新时期桂西山歌的特点

    On Characteristics of Folk Songs in the West of guangxi in New Times

  27. 桂西山区的开发

    The development in the mountainous region , West Guangxi

  28. 桂西和黔南中三叠世珊瑚

    Middle Triassic corals from W. Guangxi and s.guizhou

  29. 桂西两次强降雨过程对比分析

    The Comparison Analysis for the Two Strong Rainfall Processes in the west of Guangxi

  30. 桂西山区原生态旅游资源及其可持续利用研究

    Study on Primary Eco-tourism Resources and Sustainable Exploration in Western Mountain Areas of Guangxi