
  • 网络the Gui
  1. 桂家的族属及其事迹是一个牵涉到西南边疆史、华侨史和中缅关系史的重大问题。

    The clan belonging and deed of the Gui clan are significant issues that involve histories of southwest frontier of China , overseas Chinese and Sino-Burma relation .

  2. 从史料中对大山银厂的记载来看,桂家也没有据银厂采银。

    According to the record of the Dashan silver plant , the Gui clan did not occupy the plant and mine the silver .

  3. 碧桂园是一家以房地产为主营业务,涵盖建筑、装修、物业发展、物业管理、酒店开发及管理等行业的国内著名综合性房地产开发企业。

    Country Garden Co. is a well-known comprehensive real estate development company which covers real estate development , construction , decoration , property development , property management , hotel development and management .