
  • 网络Tree Kangaroo;Tree-kangaroo;dendrolagus matschiei
  1. 所以有很多方法可以进入树袋鼠的生活。

    So there 's a variety of ways to get into the life of a tree kangaroo .

  2. 它们强有力的后退和粗重的尾巴也起着平衡和支撑作用。但是树袋鼠的尾巴较短,有捕捉力,适合爬而不适合跳。

    Powerful hind limbs and a large heavy tail serve for balance and support . But tree kangaroos have shorter prehensile tails and climb rather than hop .

  3. 树袋鼠是难以捉摸的,因为它们把自己的家建在茂密的苔藓覆盖的树冠上。你可能走在它的正下方,却永远不会知道它的存在。

    Tree kangaroos are elusive and make their homes high up in the dense moss covered canopy . You can walk right underneath one and never know it 's there .

  4. 有些袋鼠,比如一些树袋鼠,也是我最喜欢的那种,现在正濒临灭绝;但另外一些种类,比如红袋鼠和灰袋鼠,现在因繁殖过多而被当成祸害。

    Some , such as several tree kangaroos , my particular favourite , are threatened with survival , but others , like the grey and red kangaroos , have flourished and are now considered to be pests .

  5. 我要飞到澳大利亚去看树袋熊和袋鼠。

    I would fly to Australia to see the koala bears and the kangaroos .

  6. 新几内亚和澳大利亚树栖沙袋鼠,前腿和后腿长度相近。

    Arboreal wallabies of New Guinea and northern Australia having hind and forelegs of similar length .

  7. 躲在树丛中,小袋鼠把他的小爪子埋进妈妈的软毛里,紧紧地抓住。

    Hiding in the bushes Joey dug his little paws into his mothers fur , holding on as tightly as he could .