
  • 网络resin canal;resin duct
  1. 水杉木材受伤树脂道的观察

    Observation of the Traumatic Resin Canal of Metasequoia glyptostroboides

  2. 松科木材中树脂道的研究

    Studies on Resin Canal of Wood in Pinaceae

  3. 油松树脂道的发生和发育研究

    The initiation and development of resin ducts in Pinus tabulaeformis Carr

  4. 班克松木材树脂道结构特性

    The Characteristic Structure of Resin Canals and Tapping of Pinus Banksiana Lamb

  5. 冷杉树脂道的构造和影响树脂形成的因素

    Structure of ABIENINIC resin duct and factors affecting resin formation

  6. 秦岭冷杉和巴山冷杉树脂道分布与结构特征的研究

    Resin Ducts Distribution and Its Structural Features of Qinling and Farges Firs

  7. 湿地松针叶树脂道发育的超微结构研究。

    Ultrastructural study on development of needle resin ducts in Pinus elliottii engel .

  8. 马尾松泌脂系统树脂道结构电镜扫描

    Preliminary observation of the structure of resin canals of Pinus massoniana with scanning electronic microscope

  9. 在树脂道成熟阶段,相邻上皮细胞壁间已检测不出果胶酶活性。

    At the mature stage , there was no activity of pectinase outside the walls of epithelial cells .

  10. 在树脂道形成阶段,上皮细胞内质体数量增多,质体内所含淀粉粒也增加。

    At the formative stage , the number of plastids , mitochondria and Golgi bodies in the cytoplasm increased .

  11. 鸡公山松属针叶皮下层及树脂道的比较解剖观察

    The comparative anatomy & observations for the hypodermic and the resin duct of needleshaped leaf of Pinus in Jigong Mountain

  12. 油松树脂道结构及与树脂产生和分泌的关系

    The Relation Between the Structure of Resin Ducts and the Resin Synthesis and Mode of Its Elimination in Pinus Tabulaeformis

  13. 当多数树脂道普遍破损时,与接种点距离远近不同的部位细胞病变已无明显差异。

    When the pine resin ducts were widely destroyed , there were no obvious differences between the cells in different positions .

  14. 松材线虫侵入树体后,大多滞留在树脂道,蜕皮变为成虫后再向其它部位迁移。

    When PWN invaded host , most PWN were trapped in the resin canals and then migrated into other tissues after molting .

  15. 有关大别山五针松针叶树脂道的研究工作,导师在1999年就出有专著,本文不再赘述。

    No more expetiation here as the monograph about Pinus dabeshanensis and its resin canals in leaves has been published in1999 by my advisor .

  16. 自由基相对含量与变色程度之间存在相关性,松木边材变色与树脂道、木射线、内含物及木材含水量等因子密切相关。

    The sap stain of pine woods are closely related to such elements as resin canal , wood ray , extractives , water content etc.

  17. 马尾松茎树脂道发育的组织化学研究用马尔柯夫过程理论进行马尾松优化密度探讨

    Histochemistry of resin ducts developmental processes in the stem of Pinus massoniana A Study on Optimal Density of Masson Pine Pulp Plantation with Markov Theory

  18. 观察结果证明,乙烯利能使安息香树创伤树脂道的管径增大,数量增多,并能扩大它们的分布范围。

    It is also proved that ethrel can enlarge the size , increase the total number and broaden the distribution ranges of traumatic balsamic ducts .

  19. 传统的观点是创伤树脂道是由于创伤而引起的,它的形成是树木对外界保护性的反应。

    In traditional theory traumatic resin canals are arisen by wounding or injury , and it is a kind of protective reaction to the outside stimulation .

  20. 在树脂道发育过程中,鞘细胞中树脂滴和淀粉粒变化不明显。

    During the development of resin duct , no , obvious change appears in the number and volume of resin droplets and starch grains in sheath cells .

  21. 结合木材组织构造总体特点,本文重点分析了横切面上管孔、树脂道,弦切面上木射线形态特征。

    It mainly analyzed the morphological characteristics of pores and resin canal on transverse section and wood ray on tangential section on the basis of wood structure .

  22. 在树脂道形成阶段,果胶酶首先溶解相邻细胞的细胞壁角隅处胞间层,使之出现胞间隙。

    At the formative stage , the intercellular space , which formed by pectinase degrading middle lamella , first appeared in the corner among the forthcoming epithelial cells and then gradually enlarged .

  23. 利用薄切片和组织化学方法对油松茎皮层树脂道发育过程中上皮细胞内树脂滴和淀粉粒的动态变化进行了观察研究。

    With the help of methods of thin-section and histochemistry dynamic changes of resin droplets and starch grains in resin duct cells at different developmental stages of resin duct are observed and studied .

  24. 在一年的不同季节中,从春季到秋季所形成的树脂道出现孔径逐渐变大,上皮细胞的数目和鞘细胞的层数逐渐增多,茎内树脂道的数目增加等变化。

    From Spring to Fall , the duct become larger and larger , the number of the epithelial and sheath cells more and more and the number of the cortical ducts in all increases , too .

  25. 有些初生树脂道的鞘细胞为薄壁的生活细胞,而有些初生树脂道和次生树脂道的鞘细胞为厚壁的死细胞。

    Surrounding the epithelium there were usually one or two layered sheath cells , which were parenchyma cells in some primary resin ducts and dead cells with thick walls in other primary resin ducts and secondary resin ducts .

  26. 通过实验分析了冰水两相流在垂直和水平管道流动时的压降特性;其中,次生木质部内具有水平的和垂直的两类树脂道,而次生韧皮部内则仅有水平的树脂道。

    Analyses pressure drop character of ice-water two phase flow in vertical and horizontal ducts by experiments . In the secondary xylem vertical and horizontal ducts are present , but in the secondary phloem only horizontal canals occur .

  27. 用丰脂灵化学采脂和常规采脂对广西派阳山林场的马尾松进行采脂试验,并取样测定木材树脂道的数量、大小与分布及木材明子化程度。

    The methods of collecting resin with Rich resin panacea ( RRP ) and without RRP ( normal way ) were used in the resin collecting experiment of Pinus massoniana Lamb , in Paiyangshan forest farm , Guangxi .

  28. 硬枝插条最外层木质部里的树脂道占整个木质部的95%以上,而嫩枝插条最外一层木质部里的树脂道同硬枝插条相比则少得多,而且树脂腔小。

    The pitch paths in the most outer layer xylems of hard stem occupy over 95 % of total xylem . But the same ones in epicormic stem are fewer , and the pitch cavities in epicormic stem are smaller .

  29. 本文通过石蜡切片、半薄切片、超薄切片方法研究了马尾松树脂道的结构、分布、各器官中树脂道的发生和发育过程,以及树脂道发育过程中的组织化学和超微结构变化。

    The structure , distribution , initiation , development and the changes of histochemistry and ultrastructure of resin ducts were studied with the methods of paraffine section , thin section and ultra-thin section during development of resin ducts in Pinus massoniana .

  30. 结果表明,丰脂灵化学采脂更有利于马尾松木材树脂道的形成,其轴向树脂道数量比常规采脂的高31.5%,比尚未采脂的高57.2%。

    RRP method was more beneficial to the formation of wood resin canal . The quantities of longitudinal resin canal was 31 5 % higher compared with the normal way , and 57 2 % higher compared with the un collecting resin .