
  1. 成千上万的人都在说,煤才是我们的柱国基石。

    Our coal , thousands of people were saying , is the real basis of our national greatness ;

  2. 杨坚出身北周贵族,周宣帝时拜上柱国、大司马。

    Yang Jian , a born aristocrat of the Northern Zhou , was Emperor Xuan ^ Chancellor of Military Affairs .

  3. Z形截面柱在我国住宅建筑中已有广泛应用,但目前对其受力性能研究还不够全面,研究成果也甚少。

    Z-shaped column is widely used in the structure of residential architecture in china , but currently , researches on Z-shaped column are insufficient , and correlative conclusions are absent .

  4. 劲性钢管混凝土组合柱在我国的研究进展

    Review of research on RC columns reinforced with concrete filled steel tubes in China

  5. 电弧螺柱焊在我国最大高炉施工中的应用

    Application of New Arc Stud Welding Technology in the Biggest Furnace Made in China

  6. 利用浮选柱技术实现我国胶磷矿高效分选有良好的前景。

    There is a well prospect of high-efficient cellophane separation by using column floatation technology .

  7. 本文阐述了墨卡托投影的优越性,并以实例为基础,对“切”与“割”园柱投影在我国海疆国的应用进行了分析。

    This Paper describes the advantages of the Mercator projection Based on actual examples , it discusses the application of " slice " and " cut " of round projection to map-making in china .

  8. 陕北中小矿井条带保水开采煤柱稳定性研究我国中小煤矿安全管理的现状调查与对策

    Study on Pillars Stability by Keeping Water in Strip Mining for Small and Medium-sized Mines in Northern Shanxi Province Status Survey and Countermeasures of Middle and Small Coal Mines ' Safety Management in Our Country

  9. 柱花草是我国南方重要的豆科牧草,柱花草与根瘤菌共生固氮是提高柱花草生产的重要措施,对改良南方酸性土壤有重大意义,但是目前还缺乏适宜我国南方推广的根瘤菌菌剂。

    Stylosanthes is the important leguminosae forage in south China . Legume-rhizobium symbiotic nitrogen ( N ) fixation is an important character of stylo and also the base of improving soil fertility . But there is barely rhizobium inoculant adapted to acid soils .