
  • 网络tectonic analysis
  1. 构造解析是要对离散性的地震前兆进行构造时空复位。

    Tectonic analysis makes discrete seismic precursor be restored in time and space .

  2. 兰州地区现代应力场的构造解析

    Tectonic Analysis of Contemporary Stress Field in Lanzhou Region

  3. 区域地质构造解析结果表明,连云山花岗岩与晚三叠世侏罗纪NNE向会聚走滑断层动热变质剪切重熔型岩浆作用有关。

    The analyses of regional structures show that Lianyunshan granite is associated with dynamic metamorphism shear remelt magmatism of NNE trending convergent strike slip faulting during T3-J.

  4. 重构信号时根据压缩原理构造解析形式的迭代投影算子实现POCS算法,形式简单,收敛快。

    The proposed iterative projection operator for signal recovering analytically , which is constructed by using the principle of compress mapping , has a simple form and converges quickly .

  5. 对该走滑断裂系统的构造解析及铀矿床成矿地质特征的综合分析表明,NNE向走滑断裂直接控制了区域大规模热液铀成矿作用的发生。

    Analyses of structural pattern of this regional fault system and mineralization features of uranium ore deposits hosted in the strike slip faults of various scales indicate that Mesozoic Cenozoic hydrothermal uranium mineralization was directly controlled by NNE trending strike slip faulting .

  6. 下扬子地区中生界古地磁及其构造解析

    Mesozoic paleomagnetic study and its structural interpretation in lower Yangtze area

  7. 重磁相关分析应用于区域构造解析

    Application of correlation analysis of gravity and magnetism to tectonic interpretation

  8. 福州盆地断层擦痕构造解析及其应力场反演

    Structural striation analysis and inversion of stress field in Fuzhou Basin

  9. 由调和函数构造解析函数的一种方法

    A Method of Making an Analysis Function From a Harmonic Function

  10. 通过构造解析,将矿区鞍山运动中的构造变形划分为3幕。

    Structural analysis reveals 3 episodes of deformation in Anshan movement .

  11. 以β-月桂烯为原料的新单萜衍生物合成及构造解析

    Synthesis and Structural Analysis of New Monoterpene Derivatives from β - myrcene

  12. 西昆仑接收函数反演与构造解析

    Receiver function inversion and structural analysis in the West Kunlun

  13. 煤层顶板稳定性预测构造解析法研究与应用

    Research on the tectonic synthesis method of prediction roof stability and its application

  14. 下扬子地区卫星数字图象增强处理及断裂构造解析

    Satellite digital image strengthen processing and fault interpretation of the lower Yangtze area

  15. 庐山地区旋转走滑&侧向拉伸构造解析

    An explanation of rotational strike - slip - lateral extension structures in Mount Lu area

  16. 在构造解析中,对地质构造的面理和线理进行组构分析,往往要涉及到求解赤平图中的极密中心产状和最佳拟合π圆。

    In structural geology analysis , fabric analysis of foliation and lineation is commonly conducted .

  17. 微地震台阵网天然地震层析成像技术在油田深层构造解析中的应用

    Application of passive seismic tomographic imaging techniques in the study of deep tectonics in oil fields

  18. 利用能量守恒和径向基函数插值的流固耦合界面数据传递方法由调和函数构造解析函数的一种方法

    Data Exchange Method for Fluid-Structure Interaction Based on Energy Conservation and Interpolation Algorithm Adopting Radial Basis Function

  19. 在手写汉字的自动识别方面,至今普遍采用构造解析和匹配相结合的方法。

    The method of combining structure analysis and match is generally used for recognition of handwritten Chinese characters .

  20. 笔者利用构造解析方法,初步确定了该区的构造序列并探讨了构造演化过程。

    The paper outlines thetectonic sequence and analyses the tectonic evolution process by means of structural analytical method .

  21. 利用数形结合的思想为不等式构造解析几何模型,并加以推广。

    This article structures and extends an analytic geometry model for a inequation based on combining numbers and shapes .

  22. 前陆冲断带复杂构造解析与建模&以准噶尔盆地南缘第一排背斜带为例

    Complex Structural Analysis and Modeling : the First Row of Anticlinal Belt on the Southern Margin of the Junggar Basin

  23. 遥感构造解析与地壳表层结构构造型式&拓展地质力学学科研究的一个方面

    Structural interpretation of remote sensing data and structural patterns of the crust surface & one aspect of extended geomechanical research

  24. 褶皱构造解析的三种计算机方法&微型机在构造地质研究中的应用之七

    AN INTRODUCTION TO THREE COMPUTER METHODS USED IN FOLDS STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS & The application of microcomputer to structural geological research ⅶ

  25. 以盐构造解析的方法,综合地震与地质资料分析,在盐构造成因要素剖析的基础上探讨库车坳陷盐构造动力学特征。

    This paper describes the halokinesis of the salt tectonics of Kucha Depression with the analysis of seismic and geological data .

  26. 详细的构造解析表明矿区构造样式总体表现为褶皱-断层组合,北西向构造控制了矿床的总体构造格局。

    The detailed structural analysis suggests , in general , that fold-fault association is the main tectonic style of the mining district .

  27. 遥感构造解析是以遥感信息为依据,结合地质调查和地球物理资料进行大地构造研究的一种有效方法。

    Structural interpretation of remote sensing data is an effective method for the structural study conducted based on remote sensing information combined with geological survey and geophysical data .

  28. 新疆北山西段中坡山地区褶皱基底中元古界白湖群中普遍存在新月形、蘑菇形及线形紧闭褶皱,构造解析表明它们是由叠加褶皱形成的复杂露头干涉形式。

    There are folds formed by superposition of two period folds , in the folded basement of the Zhongposhan area , the western segment of the Beishan tectonic belt .

  29. 运用构造解析的方法,结合地质背景和应力环境分析,对徐家围子断陷的构造格局及其成因进行探讨。

    It is suggested that the applied stress environments and the types of crust ( tectonic environments ) are the principal factors for the formation and evolution of basins .

  30. 古特提斯蛇绿岩带典型蛇绿岩区的地质构造解析研究表明其经历印支期以来多期强烈构造活动改造。

    The initial location of sutures greatly changed by events of Indo-Chinese epoch , Yanshanian epoch , and Himalayan epoch can be concluded from our research of the typical ophiolite outcrop area .