- 网络tectonic breccia

The major ore type is gold-bearing calcite-quartz vein , secondly is gold-bearing tectonic breccia , and gold-bearing altered rock .
The Wendeng gold deposit is a tectonic breccia cataclastic rock type gold deposit dominated by brittle shear zone and formed by brittle shearing . It belongs to the typical dynamic mineralization and diagenesis .
Country rock in floor of ore bodies is generally mica-plagioclase leptynite .
The gold orebodies were controlled by main slip fault zone - structural breccia rock zone .
The host rock is a tectonic breccia , the proximal enclosing rock is C phyllite .
Accord ing to the geneses and characteristics of various types of breccia it is summed up that the Pb Zn ore bearing breccia are polygenetic breccia consisting of synsedimentary faulting breccia , slip breccia and structural karst breccia .
The host breccia of the Jinding Lead-Zinc deposit are divided into two types : ① structural gypsum breccia containing no ore , palynoflora association of whose adglutinate reveals Late Triassic ;
According to the wall rocks and structural conditions the ore bodies may be divided into three types : subvolcanic_cryptoexplosion breccia type , contact zone_ structural breccia type , and wall rock_ structural breccia type .
In addition , the top and bottom of laneway are filled with calcite and formed breccia due to the later tectonic process in ort laneway , which not only result in dilution of ore , but also bring about much threat to the stability of laneway .