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  • 网络Li Zhen;Lee Jin;andy;Finkl
  1. 也谈网页著作权保护形式&兼与李真、黄瑞华商榷商务印书馆与中华书局的竞争与合作(1912-1949)

    Discussion on the Protection of the Copyright of Webpages ; The Competition and the Cooperation between the Commercial Press and Zhonghua Book Company ( 1912-1949 )

  2. 在新的历史时期,党内极少数领导干部经受不住考验,堕落成罪犯,李真就是其中一个典型的反面教材。

    In new historical period , there are very few leading cadre could not undergo the tests , they became criminals , in which Li is a typical teaching material of reverse side .