
  1. 李建说,我不得不把一些论文外包给朋友们。

    I have to outsource some essays to my friends .

  2. 李建说:但我仍认为军训是件好事。

    But I still think military training is a good thing , said Li .

  3. 李建的母亲在她公寓的客厅来回地走动。

    Li Jian 's mother paced back and forth in the living room of her apartment .

  4. 李建:青年组第五名,来自山东歌舞剧院。

    Li Jian : won the5th of Youth Group , from Shandong Sing & Dance Theater .

  5. 在2006年遭到普林斯顿拒绝后,华裔美国人李建(音)曾提起民事权利申诉。

    Jian Li , a Chinese American , filed a civil rights complaint after Princeton rejected him in 2006 .

  6. 李建在一家大型购物网站上开了家网店兜售服务,经济、金融方面的论文每篇收取3000至5000元。

    Li set up his own service on a major online shopping website where he charges between 3,000 and 5,000 yuan for papers on economics and finance .

  7. 张强让学生们与经济学专业毕业生李建(音译)这样的写手取得联系,客户需要提供论文的题目与推荐书单。

    Zhang connects students to writers like Li Jian , a graduate student in economics . The client needs to provide the title of the essay and the recommended reading list .

  8. 来自广州大学学生事务处的李建(音译)表示,军训期间学生昏厥事例屡有发生。校方已经接到了一大堆来自学生和家长的抱怨。

    According to Li Jian from the student affairs office of Guangzhou University , blackouts happen frequently during military training and the school has received a lot of complaints from both students and parents .