
  • 网络Li Wei;Wei Lee
  1. 到了7岁,没有学校愿意接收李卫。

    At the age of seven , Li Wei was at first refused by primary schools .

  2. 上高中后,李卫对画画产生了兴趣,开始学习画画。

    In senior high school , Li Wei became interested in painting and began to study it .

  3. 头三年里,都是父母轮流背着李卫上下学。

    For the first three years , Li 's parents carried him on their back to school .

  4. 没有了双脚,李卫大部分时间都在地上爬着度过。

    Without feet , he had to spend most of his time getting around his hands and knees .

  5. 在父亲的帮助下,李卫找了双胶鞋将膝盖塞进去,用鞋带绑在大腿上。

    To aide his walking , Li 's father outfitted Li 's knees with rubber shoes tied around his thighs .

  6. 几年前,李卫的父母花了两千块钱为他订做了一对假肢。

    Several years ago , Li Wei 's parents paid 2000 yuan to buy a pair of artificial legs for him .

  7. 目前,站起来有1.71米个头的李卫,正在重庆师范大学享受着他的校园生活。

    Now , standing up at a height of 1.71 meters , Li Wei has been enjoying his campus life at Chongqing Normal University .

  8. 由于长时间跪地行走,李卫两个残缺的小腿已经僵硬,很难伸直。

    However , due to many years of walking on his knees , Li 's two incomplete shanks were already too stiff to extend .

  9. 1994年4月2日,3岁的李卫和伙伴在路边玩耍,在毫无征兆的情况下,一辆疾驰的卡车将李卫卷入车轮下。

    On April 2 , 1994 , three-year-old Li Wei was having fun with friends by the road , when a speeding truck struck him .

  10. 当时10岁的李卫很倔强,硬是从家里爬到了学校,近千米的路途,他爬了一个多小时。

    The unyielding 10-year-old insisted on crawling to school . He spent more than one hour making the one-kilometer journey crawling on his hands and knees .

  11. 他叫李卫,穿着鞋子却没有脚,凭着我们难以想象的毅力,跪行走入考场。

    He is wearing shoes but actually having no feet . With unimaginable perseverance , Li Wei walked on his knees all the way to the examination room .

  12. 去年高考,李卫因为分数不够而落榜,他毅然决定复读,直到实现自己的大学梦。

    Failing to get high enough marks in 2010 national college entrance examination , Li Wei decided to continue his high school study until he gets accepted by a university .

  13. 21年前,李卫出生在陕西省汉阴县蒲溪镇一个贫穷的农村家庭,他的降临为家庭带来了欢乐。

    Twenty-one years ago , Li Wei was born to a poor rural family in Puxi Township , Hanyin County , Shaanxi Province . His birth brought great happiness to the family .

  14. 父母不断求助,在县教育局的协调下,李卫终于坐进了教室,只是比别的孩子迟了近两个月。

    After repeated efforts of his parents and with the help of the county education bureau , Li Wei finally was admitted to the classroom , only two months after the beginning of a new semester .

  15. 第一次看到李卫的人都会诧异,一个没有双脚的人,不论是打乒乓球还是上楼梯都很自如,甚至有人怀疑他不是没有脚只是腿短。

    Everybody who sees Li Wei for the first time is surprised to find that he can easily play tennis or climb up stairs without feet . Some people even think he still has his feet , but has short legs .

  16. 今年6月,李卫跪在红地毯上步入高考考场的照片在网络上传开后,李卫顽强的意志被媒体传播开来。

    After Li Wei 's photo of kneeling on the red carpet outside the examination room for the national college entrance exam was posted on the web this June , Li 's tale of perseverance has been widely reported across the country .

  17. 2011年6月7日,一个身高只有1.2米的无脚考生踏着红毯,昂首“跪行”走向高考考场——他的名字叫李卫。

    On June 7 , 2011 , Li Wei , at a height of only 1.2 meters , walking on his amputated shanks , with his head held high , and " walked " on the red carpet to attend the 2011 national college entrance examination .