
  • 网络History of Korea
  1. 朝鲜半岛的历史演变带有明显的大国争斗的痕迹,而且朝鲜半岛的发展变化也对东北亚国际关系产生深刻的影响,这反映了朝鲜半岛与东北亚格局之间辩证的互动关系。

    The development of the Korean peninsula in Northeast Asia also has a profound impact in international relations . All these reflect the dialectic relation between Korean Peninsula and situation of Northeast Asia .

  2. 系统分析了山东及朝鲜半岛地区历史地震记载的情况和特点,分析表明,两区的历史与现代地震资料有较强的互补性,强震具有同步涨落、遥相呼应的相关性。

    Though the systematic analysis of the features of historical seismological data in the areas of Shandong and Korea peninsula , it is shown that both have better complementarity on the historical and recent seismological data ;

  3. 朝鲜半岛形势的历史性转折

    A historic turning-point in the situation on the Korean Peninsula

  4. 朝鲜半岛分裂的历史分析&以其民族内部因素为中心

    The Reason Analysis of the Korea Peninsula Dissension & Basing on Factors Inside

  5. 朝鲜半岛统一是历史发展的必然趋向。

    The final unification of the Korean Peninsula is an inevitable historical trend .

  6. 由于朝鲜半岛特殊的历史发展背景,半岛问题的解决必定要经历一个曲折复杂的长期过程。

    Owing to the especial background of the development of the Korean Peninsula the solution must comes from a long zigzag complicate process .

  7. 这部分主要阐述了20世纪90年代中国与朝鲜半岛国家关系的历史演进。

    This part mainly elaborated the 1990s China and the Korean Peninsula country relations historical evolution .

  8. 朝鲜半岛的统一是历史必然,在这一过程中,中国可以发挥不可替代的重要作用。

    Reunification of the Korean peninsula is a necessity of the history . In this process , China has an important role to play that can not be replaced .

  9. 朝鲜半岛因其突出的战略地位和特殊的地缘政治状况,使朝鲜半岛的历史发展进程始终笼罩在大国影响的阴霾之下,半岛自身的力量从来没有真正决定过自己的命运。

    The Korean Peninsula has been shrouded in the dark clouds of the great powers ' interference in the developing course of history due to its strategic position and geopolitical condition and it never decides its fate by itself .