
  1. 该虫在湖北孝感1年发生1代,以卵在银杏或其它寄主树干上越冬,6~7月发生最烈。

    The pest has one generation in a year in Xiaogan City , Hubei Province and passes winter by eggs on tree trunk of ginkgo or other host trees .

  2. 该虫在海南岛一年发生1314代,世代重叠,全年发生,以47月为害最烈。

    It has 13 to 14 overlapping generations per year in Hainan Island . Thus the trees were attacked all the year round , with the most serious damage from April to July .

  3. 乍看之下,内瓦多·德·鲁伊斯火山似乎并不会对人们的生存造成威胁。然而,正是这座被雪覆盖的小山峰在1985年11月13日剧烈喷发,喷出物在空中高达约三十千米。

    The Nevado Del Ruiz does not look like much of a threat to live and limb and yet this smallish snow-covered peak erupted explosively on November 13th in 1985 , blasting some 30 kilometres into the air .