
  1. 尽管引起了全球轰动,但Pico太郎在接受记者采访时表示,虽然上个月这首歌成为了“一个世界性的现象”,但是他的生活一点都没有改变。

    But despite the global sensation , Pikotaro told reporters that his life had not changed at all since the song became " a worldwide phenomenon " last month .

  2. 但是,那些经济表现相对较好的国家的某些人一厢情愿的想法和不负责任的行为,与在1914年阳光明媚的8月初唱着歌出征、坚信“战争将在圣诞前结束”的某些欧洲国家有着惊人的相似。

    But the wishful thinking and irresponsibility of those in comparatively well-performing countries bears a uncanny resemblance to the way the nations of Europe , in the sunny early August of 1914 went off singing to war , convinced that " it will all be over by Christmas . "