
  • 网络Gary;Gary Chaw
  1. 曹格:几乎大家都会做。

    Gary : Almost everyone would have done it .

  2. 曹格:我是希望2月份就可以。

    Gary : I really hope that 's possible .

  3. 爸爸:曹格,34岁

    Dad : Gary Chaw , 34

  4. 节目中我们能看到三人情绪起起落落,甚至曹格都掉了几次眼泪。

    We watch the three cycle through their emotions , with even Gary Chaw tearing up a few times .

  5. 曹格这位来自马来西亚的歌手也许并不是最擅长带孩子的爸爸,但一定是最会和孩子们互动的爸爸。

    Malaysian singer Gary Chaw may not be that great at parenting , but he certainly knows how to identify with his children .