
  • 网络Hockey Game;hockey match
  1. 那场曲棍球比赛中有一些粗野的动作。

    There were some rough plays in that hockey game .

  2. 抢块比萨或去曲棍球比赛。

    Grab a pizza or go to a hockey game .

  3. 加拿大在奥运会曲棍球比赛中击败瑞典的那晚,加拿大人几乎无眠。

    Canada got the least sleep of the year the night it beat Sweden in the Olympic hockey .

  4. 他在一场曲棍球比赛中扭伤了右肩膀。

    He wrenched his right shoulder during a game of hockey .

  5. 没有妈妈我在看曲棍球比赛…

    No , Ma , I was watching the hockey game and ...

  6. 我们以三分的优势赢了这场曲棍球比赛。

    We won the hockey game by three points .

  7. 曲棍球比赛时,两个队各由11名选手构成,进行对抗赛。

    In hockey , two teams of 11 players compete against each other .

  8. 我观看了很多的曲棍球比赛。

    I watch a lot of hockey games .

  9. 球迷和球场之间没有障碍物,就像曲棍球比赛一样。

    There are no barricades between fans and the floor , like in hockey .

  10. 你们准备好开始曲棍球比赛吗?

    Are you ready to bully off ?

  11. 我受过伤;曲棍球比赛的时候,我的头被打中了。

    There was trauma ; I got hit in the head during a lacrosse game .

  12. 我的意思是曲棍球比赛。

    I mean the hockey game .

  13. 如果你能在经历3比0惨败的曲棍球比赛后继续参加另外一场比赛,这将有助于锻炼你的恢复能力。

    The experience of losing a hockey game three-nil and carrying on to another match builds resilience .

  14. 我会永远记得曲棍球比赛的冠军们这场冠军赛是最精彩的一场棒球赛。

    I 'll always remember lacrosse champions . This championship game is baseball at it 's finest .

  15. 这是曲棍球比赛,所以只有“愤怒无齿的加拿大人”。

    Well , actually it 's a hockey team , so it 's angry Canadians with no teeth .

  16. 我想到多少次学校演出和曲棍球比赛,你都独自前往,就因为我出车在外。

    The school plays and hockey7 ) games that you went to alone because I was on the road .

  17. 冰上曲棍球比赛中,球员在冰上周旋,用球杆把球击入球门。板球比赛还在进行。

    In ice hockey the players skate around the ice and try to make a goal with the puck . The cricket is in play .

  18. 观看比赛、了解儿童冰球赛真使我高兴。冰上曲棍球比赛中,球员在冰上周旋,用球杆把球击入球门。

    I really enjoyed watching the game and learning about kids hockey . In ice hockey the players skate around the ice and try to make a goal with the puck .

  19. 在研究攻打、带弧圈球的基础上,提出了正手挤打弧圈球技术。冰上曲棍球比赛中,球员在冰上周旋,用球杆把球击入球门。

    This paper suggests a new forehand pressing play technique to cope with the loop drive . In ice hockey the players skate around the ice and try to make a goal with the puck .

  20. 贝克汉姆一家是演艺圈公认的模范家庭之一,星期六下午小贝和妻子维罗利亚带着孩子们一起在洛杉矶观看曲棍球比赛,他们一家子的很是温馨。

    They 're one of the most tight-knit clans in showbiz , and as David and Victoria Beckham enjoyed a Saturday afternoon with their brood at an L.A. Kings game ... their easy bond was clear to see .

  21. 本届戛纳电影节有三部加拿大影片入围主竞赛单元,而美国有两部入围。加拿大鬼才导演大卫·柯南伯格说入围主竞赛单元有点儿像两个邻居参加曲棍球比赛,其中一方获得了胜利。

    Add in 25-year-old Xavier Dolan 's " Mommy , " and Canada has three films in competition to two for the United States , which Cronenberg said is a bit like a victory in the two neighbors ' eternal hockey rivalry .

  22. 每年圣诞节,我都遵循这样一个传统——有一年是让一些残障少年参加曲棍球比赛,还有一年是看望了两位老年兄弟,他们的房屋在圣诞节前被大火烧为平地,等等。

    For each Christmas , I followed the tradition - one year sending a group of mentally handicapped youngsters to a hockey game , another year a check to a pair of elderly brothers whose home had burned to the ground the week before Christmas , and on and on .

  23. 我国女子曲棍球运动员比赛中速度特征的研究

    Features in the speed of Chinese woman hockey players in matches

  24. 曲棍球队在比赛开始时参与进攻的队员位置。

    The position on a hockey team of the player who participates in the face off at the beginning of the game .

  25. 留学生在这里可以观看各种艺术节、舞蹈及剧院表演、专业曲棍球和足球比赛,享受美食和无尽的购物机会。

    International students are able to experience festivals of arts , dance and theatre performances , professional hockey and football games , excellent dining and numerous shopping opportunities .

  26. 曲棍球场:曲棍球进行比赛的场地。

    Pitch : The playing field for hockey .