
  • 网络motion sickness
  1. 以上结果提示谷氨酸能兴奋性前庭-内脏反射通路在晕动症植物神经反应中起重要作用;NMDA受体参与谷氨酸能前庭初级传入信息对心血管活动的调控。

    It was concluded that glutamatergic vestibulo-visceral pathways play an important role in response of autonomic nervous system during motion sickness . NMDA receptor involved in primary vestibular signal transmission during regulation of cardiovascular funtion .

  2. 我有晕动症。

    Terrell : I 'm susceptible to motion sickness .

  3. 苹果还指出未来汽车可能不带窗户,而以内置屏幕和VR头戴式受话器展现虚拟环境。虚拟画面可与车辆的移动保持同步,苹果称这也将有助于减轻晕动症。

    Apple also suggests future cars could lack windows , instead using interior screens alongside VR headsets to display virtual surroundings . Virtual images could be synchronized with the movement of the car . This could also help combat motion sickness , Apple claimed .

  4. 从医学角度来讲,晕船是运动病或者晕动症的变异。

    Medically speaking , sea sickness is a variation of motion sickness or kinetosis .

  5. 制定出晕动症疗法并不容易,部分原因是由于专家们并未确切了解它的成因。

    Part of the difficulty with devising treatments is that experts don 't know exactly what causes motion sickness .

  6. 晕动症会令患者感到肌肉和内耳在移动,但实际上并没有看到它们在移动。

    Motion sickness leaves sufferers feeling ill because they feel movement in your muscles and your inner ear but do not see it .

  7. 晕船,或其他类型的晕动症,是很多人在搭乘诸如船和汽车等交通工具时出现的一系列不良症状。

    Seasickness , and other types of motion sickness , is a set of symptoms experienced by a large amount of people when they are traveling in vehicles such as ships and cars .

  8. 恶心和呕吐就是人体想要脱离药物控制而进行的反抗。晕车药和电子设备能够阻止晕动症的发生,在船上观察远方的地平线和在车上看向窗户外,也能减轻晕动病的症状。

    The nausea and vomiting are the body 's way of trying to get rid of the toxins it thinks are affecting it.While medication and electronic devices can prevent seasickness , it can also be mitigated by looking at the horizon on a boat or out of the window in a car .