  • dizzy;giddy
  • swoon;faint

  • dizzy;giddy;faint
  • halo
  • 太阳或月亮周围形成的光圈:日~。

  • 光影色泽模糊的部分:霞~。墨~。

  • 头发昏,有旋转的感觉:~眩。~车。眼~。

  • 昏迷:~倒。~厥。

  • 头脑不清。


(头脑发昏) dizzy; giddy:

  • 有点头晕

    feel a bit dizzy [giddy]


(昏迷) swoon; faint:

  • 痛得晕过去

    swoon with pain;

  • 他饿晕了。

    He fainted from hunger.

  • 她一看到自己的血就晕过去了。

    She fainted [swooned] at the sight of her own blood.


(头脑发昏) dizzy; giddy; faint:

  • 头晕目眩

    have a dizzy spell; be afflicted with vertigo


{气} (日光或月光形成的光圈) halo:

  • 日晕

    solar halo;

  • 月晕

    lunar halo

  1. 玩完过山车之后我觉得头很晕。

    I felt quite dizzy after riding the roller coaster .

  2. 他一坐汽车就晕。

    He feels dizzy whenever he travels by car .

  3. 我的头很晕。我感觉全身滚烫。

    My head was reeling . I felt hot all over .

  4. 得知自己到了哪里时,我简直要晕过去了。

    I nearly died when I learned where I was ending up

  5. 她突然向前栽倒在桌上,晕了过去。

    She suddenly fell forward on to the table and fainted

  6. 观众一定是让剧情完全搞晕了。

    The audience must have been totally mystified by the plot

  7. 在朋友家过夜让我觉得晕晕乎乎的。

    An overnight stay at a friend 's house disorients me

  8. 他在第3回合将内森·曼打晕了过去。

    He KO 'd Nathan Mann in the third round .

  9. 萨马多夫说他感觉很不舒服,然后就晕了过去。

    Samadov said that he felt so ill that he blacked out .

  10. 在街上看见有人饿晕是很平常的事。

    It 's commonplace to see people collapsing from hunger in the streets .

  11. 两个领导被这个建议搞晕了。

    The two leaders were flummoxed by the suggestion .

  12. 电鳐能放出强大的电流把猎物击晕。

    Electric rays stun their prey with huge electrical discharges

  13. 后来,回想起要负的责任她几乎会吓晕过去。

    Afterwards , retrospective fear of the responsibility would make her feel almost faint .

  14. 我们遭到了大约12名青年的袭击,我被踢晕过去了。

    We were set upon by about twelve youths and I was kicked unconscious .

  15. 我一见到血就晕。

    I faint at the sight of blood

  16. 她的额头上冒出一串汗珠,她以为自己可能会晕过去。

    A line of sweat broke out on her forehead and she thought she might faint .

  17. 坐了5次云霄飞车都没晕,真是太棒了。

    It 's great to go on the roller coaster five times and not be sick .

  18. 他被打晕了。

    He was battered unconscious .

  19. 我能感觉到血从我脸上流下来。我想我是不是要晕过去了。

    I could feel blood draining from my face . I wondered whether I was about to black out

  20. 他和女友争吵时女友竟拿煎锅砸他!几乎把他砸晕了过去。

    He was arguing with his girlfriend and she hit him with a frying pan ! Nearly knocked him out

  21. 她一看到自己的血就晕过去了。

    She fainted [ swooned ] at the sight of her own blood .

  22. 他饿晕了。

    He fainted from hunger .

  23. 一个人晕过去之后,阿摩尼亚可用作兴奋剂。

    Ammonia is used as a restorative when a person has fainted .

  24. 每一回给地板打蜡她都晕得站不住。

    Every time she waxes the floor She keels over .

  25. 他才喝了一杯红酒就晕乎了。

    One glass of wine and he felt dizzy .

  26. 她在候车室里晕过去了,被抬了出去。

    She fainted in the waiting room and had to be carried out .

  27. 病人晕过去了。

    The patient has fainted .

  28. 当爸爸取下盖子时,那股气味几乎把我们弄晕了。

    When Dad took off the lid , the smell nearly knocked us out .

  29. 可怜的威伯被他们的乱叫弄得又晕又怕。

    Poor Wilbur was dazed and frightened by this hullabaloo .

  30. 赞助结婚?这个想法你听了可能有点儿晕,但现在愈发流行。

    The idea of sponsoring a wedding may have your head spinning , but it 's growing in popularity .