
  • 网络Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture
  1. 区域旅游资源定量评价研究&以昌吉回族自治州为例

    STUDY ON QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION OF REGIONAL TOURIST RESOURCES ── A Case Study on Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture , Xinjiang , China

  2. 棉花生长期的气候变化对棉花生产的影响&以新疆昌吉回族自治州为例

    Climatic Change in the Period from April to October for the Last 45 Years in the Primary Cotton-growing Region of Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture and its Effect on Cotton Production

  3. 域区水资源系统的结构分析初探&以新疆昌吉回族自治州为例

    A preliminary study on the structure analysis of the regional water resources system

  4. 科技特派员制度绩效评价体系的构建及其实证分析&以新疆昌吉回族自治州为例

    Construction of the Evaluation of the Technical Envoy Systems Performance and Its Empirical Analysis

  5. 凌晨1点26分,新疆昌吉回族自治州呼图壁县白杨沟煤炭公司发生爆炸事故,当时共有34名矿工在矿下工作。

    The blast happened at 1:26 a.m. at the Baiyanggou coal mine in Hutubi County in Hui Autonomous Prefecture of Changji , when 34 miners were working underground .

  6. 新疆维吾尔自治区昌吉回族自治州吉木萨尔县,有一座佛教寺庙&千佛寺。

    The Temple Fair at the Thousand-Buddha Temple is held on the sixth of the sixth Chinese lunar month in Changji Hui Aotonomous Prefecture , Xinjiang , for a long time .