
jīnɡ biǎo
  • imperial honor conferred on the virtuous and meritorious
  • confer such honor; confer honours on the virtuous and the worthy
旌表 [jīng biǎo]
  • [honor; cite] 封建时代由官府立牌坊、赐匾额对遵守封建礼教的人加以表彰

  1. 旌表孝悌是唐宋两代社会教化的重要方面。

    Commendation for filial piety is very important to the social education in Tang and Song periods .

  2. 旌表制度是清代统治者常用的一种统治手段。

    The honor system is a usual method which is adopted repeatedly by the government of Ching Dynasty .

  3. 对嫠妇的救助由来已久,其出发点主要是为了督促寡妇守节,旌表节妇,以维护社会风化。

    But the starting point is to urge the widow chastity , in order to maintain the social morals .

  4. 唐代旌表制度有着自己的特点,旌表对象侧重于忠义和孝友。

    The conferring honor system in Tang dynasty has its own characteristics , which focuses on loyalty and filial piety .

  5. 旌表制度是清代前期维持社会风化的推动力之一,它对于整个社会更是有一种激励的作用。

    Honor system is an assurance to maintain the social moral standard , and also a motivation to the whole society .

  6. 在中国古代,旌表制度作为一种政治褒奖方式,用于表彰行为卓越高尚的人。

    In ancient China , the commendation system was a political reward means , used in commending the person which had the excellence and noble behavior .

  7. 旌表制度是最为高尚荣誉的象征,是儒家思想渗透的结果,也是封建统治阶级实施教化的有力工具。

    Commendation system is a symbol of the noblest honor , a result of the Confucianism infiltration , and a powerful tool of the ruling class to educate people .

  8. 知识精英的文字记载与国家旌表在社会效果上殊途同归,成为有效的教化手段,弥补了国家旌表的不足。

    The records by the intellectuals have the same function as that of the government and as a method of education , they were the complement of the formal history of the government .

  9. 春秋战国时期旌表制度继续发展,此时又是一个大的动荡时代,征伐战争不断,旌表军功成为这一时期旌表制度的主要内容。

    Recognition continued its development in Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period . This is a great turbulence and war , the expedition , the rewarding of the military is the major context in this time .

  10. 旌表制度早在夏、商时代既已产生,周代分封制度是旌表制度一次大规模的实践,既达到了巩固统治的作用,又促进了旌表制度的进一步发展。

    The system of recognition had appeared in the early Xia dynasty and Shang dynasty time , recognition is a major form of practice in Zhou dynasty . Is to consolidate the role and fosters recognition in the further development .

  11. 政府通过旌表、劝谕、禁断活动张扬符合儒家道德价值观念和伦常礼教标准的行为,取缔违背儒家伦理价值的行为。

    Government publicized the behavior that consistent with the Confucian moral values and standard of behavior in family , decency and propriety through the Commendation , advisory activities and inhibition activities and banning violation of the value of Confucian ethics .

  12. 牌坊作为古时里坊制度的产物,后来与旌表制度相结合,具有传统文化中的标识、纪念、装饰、旌表和空间分界等功能,蕴藏着深刻的历史文化内涵。

    Paifang in as heritage of the ancient community system , and later combined with Recognition system , it has the traditional culture symbol , Memory , decoration , Recognition , and space division functions , There are deep historical and cultural connotations .

  13. 历朝历代的旌表制度都有其积极的政治、经济、文化和法律功能,当然也有不足之处,这为当今社会主义和谐社会的构建提供了历史上的借鉴。

    Commendation systems all had a positive function , in the realm of the politics , the economy , the culture and the law . Of course , such system had many shortcomings . These are provided a historical reference to build the harmonious society of socialism .