
  • 网络dialect features
  1. 将基于Mel频率域能量(简称Mel能量)的拓扑独立分量分析算法(ME-TICA)用于方言特征提取。

    An algorithm of TICA , ME-TICA ( TICA based on Mel energy ), was proposed to extract dialect features .

  2. 第四部分对上海郊县方言特征词进行了综合考察,提取了上海郊县方言的特征词。

    The fourth part investigates and draws the Character-Words of Shanghai suburb .

  3. 地方普通话是带有方言特征的普通话。

    Local mandarin is one that has local characteristics .

  4. 客家方言特征词研究

    Studies on the Character - Words of Hakka Dialect

  5. 方言特征词的研究,是现代汉语方言的比较研究。

    Study on Character-Words of dialect is a contrastive study on Modem Chinese dialect .

  6. 上海郊县方言特征词研究

    Studies on the Character-Words of Shanghai Suburb

  7. 在不同的层次上,同一方言特征的区分作用不同,所以要具体情况具体对待。

    The dialect characters have different affects in different gradation , so we must treat them through concrete shows .

  8. 中古时期出现的某些语法现象在《祖堂集》中使用,其地域方言特征可能受时间先后层次、当时通语等因素的制约。

    Some grammatical features of the dialect in Zu Tang Ji are restricted by some factors like chronological development or the popular language of that time and so on .

  9. 本文提出,现在迫切需要绘制方言特征分布图(尤其是方言语法特征分布图),还应当绘制汉语各大方言地图集和汉语方言历史地图集。

    The paper indicates that it is necessary to draw distributing maps of the Chinese dialect 's features , especially grammatical features , and it should draw atlas of each group of the Chinese dialect even historical atlas of the Chinese dialect .

  10. 这部分全面论述了蒙汉调唱词内容上的分类、特点及唱词常用的一些方言特征及艺术特色,全面展示了蒙汉调唱词的独特性;

    This section explains the classification of libretto by content , characteristics of libretto and some common language feature and artistic feature of libretto of Inner Mongolia-Han melody all-sidedly , which demonstrates the uniqueness of the libretto of Inner Mongolia-Han melody roundly .

  11. 第五部分是这部分地区方言的特征。

    The fifth part is the feature of dialects in these seven places .

  12. 该系统利用具有语言学意义的方言语音特征进行方言辨识。

    The system identifies dialects according to the phonology features of quality of linguistics .

  13. 关中方言的特征词

    Characteristic Words in Guanzhong Dialect

  14. 代词作为一个封闭、常用的词类,容易体现出方言的特征。

    As a closed , common part of speech , pronoun can easily reflect the characteristics of dialects .

  15. 通过对丹江方言语法特征的揭示,结合其语音、词汇特点,与相邻方言进行比较,我们发现丹江方言的属性并不单纯。

    By unveiling the grammar characteristics of the Danjiang dialect and comparing with its neighboring dialects , we discovered that the attribute of the Danjiang dialect is not certainly pure .

  16. 第四章从萍乡方言关系特征词着手,根据关系特征词与外区方言词汇交叉的情况,考察萍乡方言同外区方言的亲疏远近关系,得出萍乡方言跟湘语、西南官话关系密切的结论。

    According to the situation of overlapping among relational character-words of Pingxiang dialect and other dialect vocabulary , we reach a conclusion that Pingxiang dialect has a close relationship with southwest mandarin and Xiang dialect .

  17. 针对黄孝片方言语音特征中的一些具体问题,利用多种方法进行了全面细致的研究。

    About the detailed problems of phonology features of Huang-xiao Dialects , we make a comprehensive and detailed study through many methods . For example , we see about thoroughly the sound quality , phonology characteristic and distribution rule of ?

  18. 第二,本文除了分析北部吴语内部的一致性,更着力于发掘北部吴语内部的差异,并且详细分析了边缘地区方言的特征。

    Besides analysis of the commonness of the North Wu Dialect , the thesis puts emphasis on the differences inside the North Wu Dialect . Furthermore , the thesis makes detailed analysis of the character of the dialect located in edge area .

  19. 新疆汉语方言补语结构特征

    On the Characteristics of the Complement Structures in Xinjiang 's Mandarin Dialects

  20. 湖南溆浦汉语方言的音韵特征

    Phonological Feature of Chinese Dialect of Xupu in Hunan

  21. 西安方言的声学特征分析和韵律建模的研究

    Research on Acoustic Analysis and Prosody Modeling for Xian-Dialect

  22. 汉语方言爆发音声学特征研究

    The Acoustic Study of Plosives in Chinese Dialects

  23. 重叠是现代汉语的一种重要的构词手段。丰富的重叠式作为晋方言的主要特征之一,一直倍受学者重视。

    Reduplication is an important word-building means of modern Chinese , which has been highly academic attention .

  24. 龙岩方言的基本特征

    Basic characteristics of Longyan dialect

  25. 介词是语法词,通过它可以探究一种方言的语法特征。

    A preposition is a grammatical term , which can be adopted to explore the grammatical features of a dialect .

  26. 在划分过程中,着重考虑方言的主要特征,并以此为据确定方言的归属。

    It is the most important to deal with main characters in the process of classification , and consider this as judge standards .

  27. 方言的语用特征与文学作品语言的地域特征&以当代江西作家作品语言和江西地方普通话为考察对象

    Language Practice Features of Dialect and Local Features of Works ' Language & On Contemporary works language of Jiangxi writer and Mandarin in Jiangxi

  28. 在闵南话各方音片中龙岩方言最基本特征在于它存古成分较多,且与客家话彼此交融影响。

    In all quarters of Minnan dialect , the most basic characteristic of Longyan dialect lies in its more ancient ingredient and its blending with Hakkas dialect .

  29. 文中从人口迁移、行政区的变动和海岛的地理环境等方面,对方言的分布特征与形成条件进行了分析研究。

    Based on migration of population and change of administrative area and geographical environment of islands etc , the thesis analyzes the distribution characteristics and the shaping of dialect .

  30. 该书反映了近代汉语北方话的量词面貌,同时带有山东方言的地域特征,在汉语史上具有极高的研究价值。

    The book reflects the north modern Chinese language , but also with the geographical features of Shandong Province , so in Chinese history has a very high research value .