
  • 网络swat;Swqt;River Swat
  1. 法兹鲁拉开始在伊满德里以红砖兴建一栋巨大的总部,完工时会有一所伊斯兰学校、一座清真寺、一堵高墙,和防止斯瓦特河泛滥的防洪堤。

    He began building a vast red-brick headquarters in Imam Deri complete with a madrasa , a mosque and walls and levees to protect it from the Swat River .

  2. 他们的领袖是法兹鲁拉,28岁,以前负责操作渡斯瓦特河用的吊索滑椅。因为小时候罹患小儿麻痹症,他的右脚行动不便。

    Their leader was Maulana Fazlullah , a 28-year-old who used to operate the pulley chair to cross the Swat River and whose right leg dragged because of childhood polio .

  3. 接下来,我们就开上最后一任瓦利修的公路了。沿路右面是宽阔的斯瓦特河,左面则是富含翡翠矿脉的峭壁。

    Then we were on the main road built by the last wali , which follows the wide Swat River on the left and hugs the cliffs to the right with their emerald mines .

  4. 地震发生前不久,法兹鲁拉在伊满德里,一个位于斯瓦特河的对岸,距离明戈拉仅数公里远的小村落现身,并在那里搭建了地下电台。

    It was shortly before the earthquake that Fazlullah had appeared in Imam Deri , a small village just a few miles outside Mingora on the other side of the Swat River , and set up his illegal radio station .

  5. 我们喜欢把神圣的文字放进流水中,所以我将信卷了起来,绑在一块小木头上,在上面放了一朵蒲公英,再把它放进水里,让它流向斯瓦特河。

    We like to put sacred texts in flowing waters , so I rolled it up , tied it to a piece of wood , placed a dandelion on top and floated it in the stream which flows into the Swat River .

  6. 我们已经离开故乡的河谷近三个月了。回乡路上,我们行经丘吉尔的防御堡垒、山丘上的古老遗迹和巨大的佛塔。当看到宽广的斯瓦特河时,父亲开始抽泣。

    We had been away from our valley for almost three months and as we drove back past Churchill 's Picket , past the ancient ruins on the hill and the giant Buddhist stupa , we saw the wide Swat River and my father began to weep .