
  1. 从活动规模、观赏性、技巧性而言,以嘉兴市南湖区的“嘉兴掼牛”独树一帜。

    In terms of activity scale , entertainment and technique , Jiaxing Guanniu of Nanhu Districts , Jiaxing is unique .

  2. 根据嘉兴市志记载,“嘉兴掼牛”始于元宋,是嘉兴回族人民独特的传统体育活动。

    According to Jiaxing records ," Jiaxing Guanniu " was originated in Yuan and Song dynasties , which is a traditional sports activity by Hui minor nationality .

  3. 如今,已经成为国家级非遗项目的“嘉兴掼牛”又开始了培养接班人、推动文化产业“牛到海外”的新追求。

    Nowadays , it has become the no-material project on the national basis and begins to foster the successors , boosting the new pursuit of " Bulls to the Overseas " of cultural industries .
