
  1. 实际上,这种条件反射根深蒂固,美国国务院(usstatedepartment)网站上就明确告知美国企业,“在面临高度威胁的环境里,应锁上卫生间”,“由前台人员控制进出”。

    Indeed , this reflex is so ingrained that the website of the US State Department explicitly tells American companies that " restrooms should be kept locked in high-threat environments " , with " access controlled by the receptionist " .

  2. 控制进出网络的信息流向和信息包。

    Our firewall system aims at : 1 . Control the information packets and their direction in the network .

  3. 然后,结合实证分析的结果,以实际可操作的角度出发,从选择结算币种和控制进出口对象及其数量两个方面具体分析其应采取的策略和措施。

    Then , combining empirical analysis of the conclusions , we select the currency for settlement and control of the export of the objects and their number to analyze the strategies and measures specifically .

  4. 研究人员发现此项机制的关键在于1.5Kv钾离子通道,钾离子通道是控制电解质进出心肌细胞的关键。

    The researchers discovered that the key mechanism by which this happens is the Kv1.5 potassium channel , a protein that facilitates the flow of electrical charges through heart cells .

  5. 土耳其又控制着进出黑海的通道。

    And Turkey controls the passage from and to the Black Sea .

  6. 核电站控制区进出口辐射监测闸门单片机测控系统

    Single-chip Microcomputer-based Measuring and Controlling System of Radiation Monitoring Gate at Excess of Controlled Areas in NPP

  7. 除了生产管理之外,这个系统还有效地控制原料的进出的订单处理。

    Apart from production management , the system efficiently controls order processing in respect of incoming and outgoing material .

  8. 能否有效控制走私、规范进出口贸易秩序将直接关系着社会稳定和经济发展。

    Whether can effectively control the smuggling and regulate Import / export trade order will be directly relevant to social stability and economic development .

  9. 西门子人机界面液晶触摸屏控制,可控制进出口温度、气流、空气压力、自动疏通阻塞频率和流量等。

    Using Simens touchable interface display operation , operator can control temperature , airflow volume , air pressure , pump speed and de-blocker frequency .