- 名defender;champion;protector;bastion

He projected himself as the protector of national unity and harmony .
Built on Athens 's historic acropolis in the fifth century b.c. , the Parthenon was partly a tribute to the goddess Athena , patron of Athens and protector of all Greek cities , to thank her for helping Athens and its allies defeat the Persians .
Historians built him up as the champion of parliament
The National Party is lifting its profile as socially conservative guardian of traditional values .
Ross Mounce , a postdoc studying evolutionary biology at the University of Cambridge , UK , is a vocal champion of open science , partly because his fossil based research on access to others ' data .
The defenders are huddling down for cover .
They once were icons of integrity , citadels of civilization , bastions of benevolence .
Mark Twain said irreverence is the champion of liberty , if not its only defender .
We should promote the spirit of the Constitution , uphold the Constitution 's authority , and make efforts to guide all the people to loyally uphold , willingly comply with and firmly safeguard the socialist rule of law .
At Apple , for example , Steve Jobs defines and champions the brand .
Business leaders in Australia recently formed Male Champions of Change , a group aimed at building gender equality into the culture of their businesses .
In 1828 , Noah Webster , champion of a US vernacular that did not look across the Atlantic for validation , published An American Dictionary of the English Language .
This is why the attacks on him by hardline Islamist groups such as the Islamic Defenders Front , also known as Front Pembela Islam , are not working .
The second is the Liberal Democratic party , stalwart defender of that alliance , whose benign conservatism supported Japan 's extraordinary economic rise .
The fund acted far too long as a creditor collection agency , a defender of the dollar as the sole reserve currency and even as a handmaiden to US sectoral interests in trade policy .
Defenders of free-market capitalism worry about the actions of Ben Bernanke , Fed chairman , who is alleged to have coerced Bank of America into completing its acquisition of Merrill Lynch in spite of mounting losses .
So we do see altercations everywhere in the sky , whether it 's the guy who brings the [ Knee ] Defender on and gets in a fight with person in front of him because he can 't recline his seat .
That includes a dive after Reserve Bank of Australia Gov. Glenn Stevens , until recently a defender of free-floating exchange rates , said he was ' open minded ' about the idea of intervention .
The Economist magazine recently taunted the president with the observation that failure in trade legislation will be a signal that America is giving up its role as defender of an open global economy in the same way that Mr Obama has retreated in foreign policy .
Former Israeli leader Ariel Sharon , who through his long career was a renowned warrior , champion of Jewish settlements and , eventually , an advocate of a more conciliatory approach toward Palestinians , died Saturday .
Before joining the F.D.A. , Dr. Welch was the vice president of scientific and regulatory affairs at the Natural Products Association , where she was a staunch defender of the supplement industry .
Apple has been the most prominent defender of the tech industry 's right to protect consumers from government snooping , refusing to aid the FBI with accessing an iPhone belonging to Syed Farook , who with his wife committed the San Bernardino shooting last year .
Staunch defenders of free markets are on the back foot .
We are the trustees for the peace of the world .
Is the labour party the great champion of the working man ?
There are no longer many defenders of Stalinist economics .
He says Kennedy was the defender of a dream .
An ardent defender or supporter of a cause or another person .
He was an ardent defender of the Olympic ideals .
In fairness , the leaders all have loyal defenders .